Chapter 6

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Arnav went ahead to see whose the
reflection was and was stunned to find the person there. It was none other than Shashi Gupta, Khushi's babuji, his father-in-law. He was on his wheelchair while tears rolled down his eyes continuously. This made Arnav realise that he has heard the entire conversation between him and Khushi. He immediately crouched down before him to reach his height, tears forming in his eyes that showed immense guilt.

Shashi Gupta was a kind hearted person who always kept his daughters above everything. He wanted to save Khushi from that snake Shyam but ended up getting paralysed because of that same person. When Khushi married Arnav secretly, he was relieved a bit that now his daughter was safe though he dint appreciate her idea of an eloped marriage. But again the fear rose when the reality striked. Shyam was Arnav's brother-in-law and that brought immense fear in him as his daughter would now be staying under the same roof as Shyam. During the wedding rituals, Shashi had witnessed how close Khushi and Arnav grew and he somewhere felt that something was brewing between them. And his doubts got confirmed when they eloped.

But now after witnessing this scene, he was very much confused about the happenings. Since he knew how vile Shyam is, he understood that he had played something again to make Arnav believe that Khushi was wrong. Being an elder person, Shashi dint judge Arnav. He dint find any mistake in Arnav's doubts on Khushi and Shyam because any person would believe a family member who was staying with him for 3 years more than a stranger who just met him 6 months back.

The only regret he had was couldnt he ask Khushi once? He loved her right? Then why? But he understood. Though Shashi was just a passive participant in any of the family discussions, he was a great observer. He knew Arnav more than anyone. May be those who converse with Arnav would judge him by his rude and arrogant talks. His talks will mask the real him. But if you see once in his eyes, then they can see a lost child in him who is craving for some real love in this world. He just stood as a wall protecting his family from all the hardships. He never showed his vulnerable side to anyone. Infact his Di was the only one who could carve a place in his heart. Otherwise for him, the whole world is fake. He did everything in his might to protect the only person he had. So when her happy life was at stake, he could do nothing than to take such a drastic step. Yes! He was wrong but what could he do? The love he had for his Di blinded him from the realities.

Arnav was not like everyone. He is never expressive. Everyone could see only a strong Arnav Singh Raizada who had power over anything and everything. But no one knew that he too needed someone to confide in at some point of his life. Shashi saw this Arnav long back anyone could see. Infact he was the first person to see Arnav than ASR. As a matter of fact, he never saw ASR. May be his paralysed state let him see the true faces of people. Sometimes words deceive you but eyes speak the truth! Indeed its true in Arnav's case. The description of ASR that Shashi heard never matched with the Arnav he saw right in front of his eyes.

Shashi gently patted Arnav's hands with much difficulty, understanding his turmoil. Arnav raised his eyes to meet Shashi's. He could see a gentle smile formed on Shashi's lips. He was confused but he knew it was genuine, which meant only one thing. He was forgiven. He was given the assurance and forgiveness that he needed from his father-in-law. The silent exchange of looks between them gave Arnav a confidence that no matter what, his father-in-law was on his side and now he was more determined to win Khushi back.

He whispered a Sorry to Shashi, assuring him that he would make everything alright,  took his blessings and left to Shantivan.


Arnav reached home late at night. He was walking towards his room when he heard noises from the poolside. He went to check who it was speaking in hushed voices at this time of night. When he approached nearer, all he could hear was 'Anjali should be killed as soon as possible. Otherwise her share of property can never be mine as she is now carrying a child in her womb'.

Arnav clearly knew it was Shyam. But he couldnt do anything for now than to protect his Di. His fingers automatically formed a tight fist to control his anger and he silently left from there to his room rather than create a scene that would disturb his Di. That might alert Shyam too. He could not let Shyam go easily. He was planning a murder and he needs to be punished for it.

As soon as he reached his room, he threw his laptop bag towards the bed and sat on the recliner with his head in between his hands. He so wished to grab Shyam by his collar and throw him out of the house. Hell! He had to wait. It wont be easy for him to expose Shyam in front of his Di. His Di would definitely not accept anything that is against her Shyamji. She was too much in love with him. He could understand in what position were the Gupta family when they got to know his true colours! He was in the same state! All had a common person to worry about- Anjali Di!

After listening to Shyam's conversation over the phone about killing Anjali, an unknown fear crept inside him. He had to protect his Di. But he cannot do that alone. He needed others support badly by his side. He wanted to protect his mother figure Di at any cost. Khushi would voluntarily help him in this. But was it the right time to ask Khushi for help? No! She clearly said she needed time and he would give her that. But sooner he will have to discuss about this danger, his Di was about to face, to Khushi.

He doesnt know if someone from his family will even believe him if he said something against their damaad. He has to be extra careful now. He needs someone else from this house to have a constant check on his Di when he is out of the house. And the only person he could think of now was Payal! Yes! Payal! He doesnt know why but now he felt Payal to be perfect for this rather than his own family members who would definitely backup their damaad. Infact they would even start badmouthing the Guptas for such a misconception like he judged Khushi. He dint want that. He dint want anyone else to become like him. Commit the same mistake that he committed. So Payal was the best option he had. Moreover Payal is aware of Shyam's evil nature. So that saves him from explaining things to her. She would definitely believe him and would agree to help him. But wait! Will she forgive him if she gets to know what he did with Khushi? No! May be Yes! He had a little hope that she would understand. Whatever it was, he had to talk with her. Now!

Hello! Yeah many of you guessed it right to be Shashi. Sorry No Arshi in this update!

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