Chapter 34

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'What did you think Shyam? Only you have brains?' Scoffed another person shocking everyone present there!

All heads turned towards Lavanya while she stood smirking in all her might. Some gasped while some matched Lavanya's expressions.

'I saw you exchanging the drugs with Talcum. Hence I personally switched the suitcases', she said, contentment clearly visible on her face.


AR Fashions:

'What the hell is going on here NK?' Bellowed Lavanya when NK held her by her arms and both slumped behind the nearest table, making sure not getting caught.

'Shh', NK placed a finger on his lips indicating her to be quiet.

They saw Shyam walking towards Arnav's cabin discreetly at 10pm in the night, which left Lavanya in confusion while NK had his eyes and ears wide open to know the next move of Shyam.

They saw him entering Arnav's cabin, ensuring no one saw him, to get his job done. NK had followed him as soon as he was inside, and waited for any voices to listen to. The important question that he lingered was, What was he doing that too in Arnav's cabin at this hour of night? Shyam never visited AR except on rare occasions, and his presence worried NK  for the impending danger to Arnav. He was sure he was planning something.

While NK listened to the sounds intently, all he could make out was a loud bang followed by a frustrated groan from Shyam. He heard him uttering, 'The key is not here too'.

NK quietly hid himself behind a pillar while Shyam made his exit, completely unaware of the two figures who had noticed him.

The moment Shyam was gone, Lavanya emerged out of her hiding place, and strode towards NK.

'Will you explain what just happened?' She demanded.

NK was skeptical whether to let out the truth or not. But before that, he needed to inform Arnav about this!

'Nannav, Shyam had been to your cabin searching for some key', he informed the moment Arnav picked up the phone, much to Lavanya's astonishment. All she could utter was, 'What the hell was going on?'

After a few minutes of talk with Arnav, NK returned back to Lavanya, who stood with her arms crossed across her chest, all ready to demand for an explanation.

NK looked at her and replied, 'Few minutes La, you shall get your answers from Arnav himself'.

After about 20 minutes, Arnav made his entry into the office.

Lavanya and NK rushed to him, while Arnav kept giving doubtful glances about Lavanya's presence there. He was shocked to find her.

'ASR, will you guys explain me now atleast. This NK is sitting dumb since the moment he talked with you.'

Arnav and NK shared few looks with each other, before deciding to reveal everything to her. After all, she was their friend.

Lavanya was shocked would be an understatement. 'The nerve of that man!' She cursed under her breath.

After a few minutes, Arnav asked the question which was running on his mind since long. 'What were you two doing in the office? Out of office hours? Alone?' He did not frown but there was a lop sided smirk that appeared as soon as he noticed the blushing faces of the couple.

'I was editing some photos Nannav', NK cheekily replied, while Lavanya kept mum.

'So what were you doing then?' Arnav asked Lavanya.

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