Chapter 30

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'Arnavji', Khushi screamed, before getting a hold on her husband who was on the verge of collapsing.

She, with great efforts, caught him and placed his head on her lap. She patted his cheeks to get him conscious but his drooping eyelids told her that he was not going to abide by her commands.

'S... su... sugar', a faint sound came from Arnav and Khushi was intelligent to catch his words. She placed him gently on the floor and rushed to get something sweet, so that he comes back to consciousness. She rummaged her bag, where she always kept a chocolate, in a panicked state. Finally, she rushed towards Arnav with a chocolate in her hand and made him eat it, silently praying to God to keep him safe. She ensured he had enough air to breathe and wiped the sweat beads on his face.

After few moments, she observed Arnav slowly opening his eyes, probably the chocolate doing its work, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Slowly, Arnav got accustomed to his surroundings, and with great efforts, both from him and Khushi, he got seated on the poolside chair.

'Better?' Khushi asked, her voice clearly indicating her panicked state.

Arnav nodded a Yes looking at her, which had her sigh in relief.

'I will go bring something to eat. Meanwhile, I should not see you roaming around. Stay here till I return!' She warned him but in a soft tone.

Arnav again nodded to her commands, holding a chuckle. He was then transported back to the moments before he almost fainted. His plea to Khushi and her ignorance towards him, his break down and finally he fainted only to get support from a pair of arms that he always wished to hold his entire life.

While Arnav was busy recollecting everything, Khushi entered with his dinner, Aloo poori and took her place beside Arnav.

He handed over the plate for him to eat, but decided against it, after noticing his shivering hands. Sighing, she herself took a morsel and placed it near his mouth, waiting for him to open it.

Arnav's eyes never left Khushi all the while. Few moments ago, she was ignoring him and now, her eyes held only concern for him. Nevertheless, unable to ponder more, Arnav abided by her commands and slowly kept eating whatever she fed him.

When he gained adequate strength, he caught the plate in his hands gesturing her to stop feeding him. He took a morsel from it and placed it near Khushi's mouth.

'I know you too have not eaten anything yet. Have some please', he requested, still waiting for her to open her mouth.

Khushi's eyes teared and she silently obliged to him. Both finished their dinner in silence, but their thoughts already creating havoc in their minds.


Arnav changed to his night clothes and entered his room, only to find Khushi in deep thoughts sitting near the poolside.

Not wanting to wait anymore for her answers, with a decision to stop the silent treatment that they were giving to each other, Arnav approached her, though skeptically.

'Khushi', he called her still uncertain of her reaction.

Khushi smiled a bit looking at him, which provided him the needed courage to proceed further.

He sat beside her and held her hand in his grip, only to get interrupted by Khushi.

'Arnavji, I need to tell you something'.

Arnav surely did not expect her to voice out her feelings soon, but still urged her to continue.

'I dont know where to start. But nowadays I see you changing. For the good. You are no more the arrogant person. Atleast to the family. And I also know that you are repenting. These days, honestly, though I can see all these, I dint know what stopped me from forgiving you. May be I was thinking irrational. May be not in your point of view. But whenever I tried to forgive you, the pain you gave me never lets me do that. It stopped me everytime.' Arnav gulped hearing this.

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