Chapter 18

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So it was decided. Shyam was gonna see torturous days in RM thereafter. These ladies are going to torment him. In their happiness, they were completely oblivious to a person standing at the corridor listening to their conversations.

It was none other than Shyam Manohar Jha! He listened to every bit of their plans. He was annoyed. How easily these people were conspiring to get proofs against him! He should be careful, he thought. His phone started ringing out of the blue. He feared he might get caught and rushed to his room.

Arnav and Payal had heard a phone ringing outside the room and wondered who it was! Were they being spied? Arnav went out in a flash to check but saw none. He had his doubts though. He signalled Payal that there was no one, to which she took a sigh of relief.

When all were about to disperse from the study to their rooms, their phones beeped, all at the same time. They opened it to read a message,

'Beware! Shyam knows that all of you are planning to expose him. Try not to meet at regular places!'

Well wisher

It was a pure warning! Well wisher? Who was he? All of them looked at each other with clueless faces. They were scratching their heads. And the sender was unknown. They all had received message from the same number. Arnav suspected him to be the one who sent info about Shyam! They had a hell lot to handle already! This was adding up to their tensions.

He instantly called the number but it was switched off. He mentally noted to trace that number and find the owner who dared to play games with them.

But what about the message? Shyam knew? How? They were clueless whether to believe it or not. They had to. Because earlier Arnav and Payal had heard a phone ring too. They had to be more careful now!

The one question that was pricking Arnav was, it was just few minutes since they heard the phone ring and already the well wisher is aware of the happenings in the house. Does that mean is it someone from home? Or anyone installed spy cameras without his notice? These questions and the identity of the stranger were screwing up his mind. And he did what he is best at! Call Aman, hire an investigator to know about this stranger.

Whosoever it was, his time has come to face ASR. And he is not going to rest unless he finds him and confronts him as to why he is doing all these!

The five later decided to retire for the day. Arnav was skeptical to go to Khushi. He had to make sure she was okay. But he couldnt gather enough courage. These days she blatantly ignored him. And he remembered what she said 'let actions speak'.

He was in his thoughts when Payal slightly nudged his elbow. 'What happened? Any problem?'
'Khushi' he curtly replied.

'Whats with her now? Is she okay?'

'Yeah but she is behaving as if I no more exist. She has turned a deaf ear to everything I say. She needs me to do something and I dont know what to do to convince her'

'Thats it? Arnavji, a girl feels elated and wanted not by riches but by some true love depicted towards her. She needs a person who knows her minutest desires. Not the one who tries to impress her with huge gifts. She wants you to look into her soul', explained Payal.

'Uhh Payal, I dint understand even a thing! Could you please explain clearly?' Arnav was amateur in all these. He needed help. She understood.

Payal smacked her forehead and mumbled, 'We girls have to explain every little thing to you guys. You never strain to use your brains and hearts when the matter concerns us'.
'Anyways listen Arnavji, gift Khushi something that touches her heart. Anything that brings a smile instantly on her face. You already might be knowing that Khushi doesnt fantasise costly things'.

'Yeah right! Your sister is one unique piece!', he mutters.

'Arnavji!' Payal warns with fake anger.

'What? Sach hi toh kaha maine (I said the truth)', exclaims Arnav and leaves with a smirk on his face.

Payal just nods her head wondering how childish he becomes when it concerns Khushi.

So my dearies! Many wanted it not to be Shyam eavesdropping but I couldnt help it. It adds some spice to the story!
And hardly few guessed it to be Shyam.

Anyways, now guess who sent them the message to be careful!
And I know its a short one but the next will be longer.
Will see you in the next update!
And yeah I have my inkitt account too.
The next part of the story is available on Inkitt for free. For the link, check the inline comment here➡️

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