Chapter 14

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Well its the 8th Anniversary of Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon! And the love we have for it has never ever reduced even a bit! In fact it has grown every single day. Whenever I feel low, my only medicine is to open hotstar and watch any scene of IPKKND! Such is my obsession!! Thanks to all the cast and crew for making this particular show a wonderful journey to such an extent that it has etched deeply in our hearts and became a wonderful part of our lives!!!

And on this day, I can never back off from giving an update! Enjoy!


Arnav was eagerly waiting for Khushi's reply.

Finally she spoke, 'De diya! (Given)'


Arnav and Khushi's eyes met. She cleared his confusion. 'I am ready to give you the last chance that you asked. I am ready to give you the chance to undo all the deeds you did'.

Arnav was on cloud nine. Khushi had given him a chance to rectify his mistakes. He could not ask for more.

'Thank you so much Khushi'.

While he was celebrating inside, Khushi had to burst his bubble. She said, 'Listen to what I am saying completely. I give you a chance to replace my bad memories with good ones. But that doesnt mean that I will forgive you for sure. If I really feel that you have earnt it, then I might forgive you. Most importantly, the deadline for you will be the same day our contract ends. Let me be clear that even if I forgive you, it has to be my decision about my future. You no more have a say in that. Till the end of contract, we are a couple (only to the society). After that, you can never dictate my life. After 6 months, this contract marriage of ours will remain null. You can never force me. You will have no right on me'.

Did she just say that he means nothing to her after the contract? Was that even possible? Can Khushi altogether forget him and move on? Leave Khushi, will he be able to survive without his Khushi?

Keeping all these questions aside, Arnav answered, 'Manzoor hai Khushi ( I agree Khushi)'.

Arnav had to agree to her conditions. He was sure of one thing. Khushi dint want to continue this marriage. She asked for freedom. If she is happy being not married to him, he will definitely let her go. Yes! He cant live without her. But he cant be selfish anymore. He might live a life of hell by leaving her, but if Khushi's happiness lies in it, then he was ready for it. Come what may, Khushi's wishes will be his first priority. He just had 3 more months to get his forgiveness and if possible his love and his Khushi back too. He will try his best to earn it. With these thoughts, he accepted her demands.

After their talk, Arnav was quiet relieved regarding the progress today. Khushi was exhausted of all the crying. She slowly drifted into sleep on the recliner.

Arnav went into the poolside to get some fresh air. The next day would be a fresh start for them. He would make it beautiful. He was contended.

By the time Arnav reached inside the room, Khushi was fast asleep in her usual taekwando pose. He chuckled a bit. He noticed she was shivering. He increased the AC temperature, got a blanket and placed over her gently. A serene smile appeared on her face. He couldnt take his eyes off her. He sat beside her and gently caressed her hairs. She seemed to relax a bit. He leaned down to kiss her on her forehead making sure not to wake her up. This was the sight he wished to see for his lifetime. His love with him, in his room, beside him. Only time would tell whether he was destined for that!

The next day, over the breakfast, Akash asked Arnav about Aman's progress in collecting the details. That was when he remembered that he had to share something important with the trio (payal, akash and khushi).

The truth and the trustOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant