Chapter 2

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*Rithesh pov*

I am finally going to my home. I missed my family these past six months and mostly my sister. I am glad that the branch is settled and I can go back to Mumbai.

Dad said he will think after some time about who will get this branch under their charge. Me or my sister. I will be happy no matter what his decision will be.

But I can’t forget that because I stayed here for these few months I found my love of my life Meghana. She is perfect and her family too. I am sure my parents will love her and my sister I am kind of guessing that she may even become her best friend.

I have to talk to my parents about Meghana as her parents already accepted me.

It’s already evening when I reached home. When I opened the door, Sara suddenly hugged me and kept on saying that she missed me and is angry at me that I didn’t called her frequently.

I greeted mom and dad and they kept on saying to her that I must have been busy completely with work so that’s why I didn’t call them much.

Now I am feeling a little guilt as I was just busy not only with the work but also with Meghana.

I am sure they will understand.

At dinner time we all sat and started eating and Sara filled me what happened here and everything. Suddenly Dad said “I know this is little sudden but we decided to look for your matches.”

I choked on my food listening that and said “What?”

“Yes. Sara advised us today morning and we thought about it. We think it is good time for you to get settled.” Mom said.

“But Dad….” I nervously said but couldn’t complete saying anything.

I have to say about Meghana to them but what will they say. Sara you put me in some deep trouble here.

“Is there anything you want to say son?” Dad asked looking at me.

“Yes Dad. I already found a girl.” I replied.

“What?” came the question from all of them.

“Yes. I met her in Delhi. We both like each other I mean love each other. Even her family liked me and accepted me. I want to marry her, so will you guys meet them.” I said with as much confidence as I can.

After looking at me for few minutes my dad said “Ok. Ask them to come and meet us all. If everything goes well we will talk about your marriage.”

I grinned at him while nodding and Sara who is still in shock said “Dad just like that you are accepting. Are you not angry or something?”

“Why should I? You guys are grown up and we are just here to guide you but the decision will be yours. You guys are matured enough to take your own decisions.  So Sara if you like someone tell us and we will talk to him and his family. If he is good enough for you we will marry you off to him.”

Wrong move Dad completely wrong move. I can see that Sara’s eyes suddenly filled with sadness but she composed herself and said “No Dad there is no one. And Bro you were actually not busy with only work in Delhi ha.” Changing the topic.

“Hey you didn’t tell us the lucky girl’s name.” She asked.

“Her name is Meghana.” I replied.

Suddenly Sara’s eyes went wide and started choking on her water which she was drinking while I answered her.

“What is it Sara?” I asked her.

“Nothing. Everything is good.” She said not meeting any one of our eyes.

After that we all just talked about other things and enjoyed our dinner.

I called Meghana and told her everything my dad said. She told me that she will talk to her parents and come here as soon as they can.

I couldn’t sleep so I got up to drink some water. When I was going towards kitchen I saw that light is coming from Sara’s room I thought maybe she too can’t sleep so I knocked on her door.

“Come in.” She said in whisper.

When I opened her door I saw that she is sitting in her balcony and looking up at the sky.

I sat beside her and asked “What are you doing?”

“I am swimming can’t you see.” She replied laughing.

“No seriously. What are you doing at this time?” I asked her again.

Her laugh died down and she slowly said “Just remembering someone.”

I want to know more but I know I can’t get any from her so I kept quiet and just sat beside her looking at the sky.

*Maggy Pov*

I sat on our terrace and just looking at the sky.

There was a sound coming from back I know who is that.

“What are you doing here?” He asked sitting beside me.

“Just remembering Someone.” I replied.

He sighed and asked “You still miss her don’t you?”

Without replying his question I asked “Don’t you?”

He just gave me sad smile and just sat there calmly beside me.

After sometime he asked “So what did Loverboy said?”

I laughed at his nickname and said what he told me.

“So we have to go to Mumbai this week?” He asked.

“Yes we have to.” I replied.

“Good I have some work there.” He said.

“And what is it may I know?”

“I finally got her address from detective today.” He replied.

“Really? Then let’s just go tomorrow itself. I can’t wait anymore to meet her. I miss her too much.” I said.

“Me too Maggy. Me too.” He said.

I am finally going to meet my best friend. I can’t wait no matter how much she hates me now I will not give up ever.

I looked at him and can say that he is also thinking the same.



Guys Ritesh is Sara's brother. Maggy is Ritesh girlfriend.

The scene is happening at a time in two different places. sorry if you got confused :)

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