Chapter 15

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*Sara Pov*

Today is the final function that is Mehandi. After that we have to return to Mumbai and prepare for their wedding.

Mehandi paste must be brought from the groom's house. So after making Maggy ready I went to the guest house.

Bhai saw me coming and said "Sara what are you doing here?"

"I just came for the Mehandi paste." I replied.

"We thought of sending it by Mom, Keerthi and some other relatives as they were already about to come there." He said.

"It's ok Bhai. I will ask the driver to drop all of them in trips. And I will just take the Mehandi and go." I said.

"Sara you are stressing yourself so much. You already done many preparations in Mumbai and here also you are trying to do as much as you can. You have to even take rest." He said with concern.

"Bhai this is not only my brother's marriage but also my best friend's so I want to be part of it from either side as much as I can so don't worry." I said assuring him.

"Ok. Now can you take this box too." He said.

"Yeah sure. If I say no you will try your best to make me say yes right."

He just grinned at me and went away as some of our relatives were calling him. I went near mom and took the Mehandi.

I was about to leave but suddenly Di appeared out of nowhere and said "Sara I will also come with you. And how am I looking. Ashwin will like it right."

Is there no other word she knows always Ashwin and Ashwin. It's nothing Sara just keep going.

"You are looking beautiful Di. I am sure he will like it. Now shall we go?" I said. Immediately she just frowned at me.

Did I reply rudely? I don't think so then why is she frowning like that. I don't want to think much about it so I just brushed it off.

We reached there in time. Everyone is ready for the function. When we entered inside Di said "You go bring Megs down. I will go and search for Ashwin."

I nodded but I just felt like she just looking directly into my eyes searching for something. I think I have gone mad today maybe Bhai is right I need to take more rest.

I shook my head and gave Mrs.Rao the bowl and went inside Maggy's room.

"Hey Maggy. Bhai gave another gift." I said and gave her.

She opened it and saw that it's 'R'. She got more confused and said "I don't even want to think about it. I will just go and bring the Mehandi designs I want. can you keep this with the remaining ones?"

"Yeah absolutely." I replied and went near the box where remaining gifts are there.

I thought deeply about the letters. There is still one letter left and first he gave Eiffel tower toy now these 'I A S R'. Ofcourse it's what I am thinking about.

But she said she doesn't have any idea right so I said "Maggy see I am right it's 'I A SR' may be the remaining letter is 'Y'. You know 'I am sorry'. It fits perfectly."

"Yeah you are kind of right. But who knows, let's just forget it ok." She said.

I smiled inwardly. She will be so happy with the surprise Bhai is planning.

When she got her designs, I took her to the living room. Where everyone is there along with Di and Ashwin talking with each other, it's going to be long day.

Within few minutes the function started. Maggy got her wish by having the designs she liked. It was my turn, so I sat down there.

Suddenly there was someone sitting beside me, I turned and saw that it is Di. She is getting her Mehandi.

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