Chapter 18

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*Ashwin Pov*

Megs and Rithesh finally left for their honeymoon and our relatives went to their hotel rooms.

Our flight is for tomorrow morning. We were about to go to our hotel rooms but Mr.Kapoor asked us to stay with them in their house.

We took our luggage from the hotel and reached their house. As it is still evening, we all sat in the living room.

Sara and Mrs.Kapoor along with my mom went towards the kitchen to prepare snacks for us.

After that we thought to take rest for some time. Sara showed us our rooms.

She is trying her best to stay as far from me as possible. She already showed room for my parents and at last mine.

When we reached the door for the room I will be staying, I opened it and pulled her along with me inside the room.

She was about to shout so I pressed my hand on her mouth. She glared at me making me to chuckle at her.

When I was sure that she will not shout I removed my hand.

"What do you think.." she started talking but I hugged her making her to stop.

She stood stunned for few minutes and tried to remove herself. But I didn't budged and hugged her as tight as I can possible then to my surprise she too hugged me.

I don't know for how much time we stood like that but hey I am not complaining.

After some time I released her, holding her face and said "The decision may be yours Sara. But I will not accept it."

"What.. do.. you.. mean?" she asked me stuttering.

"What I mean is you may have said that you gave up but I will never I mean never give up on us." I said looking into her eyes still holding her.

"But..." she started saying.

I cut her off and said "I know that you fear that I will hurt you again. But Sara I will gain your trust."

She looked at me for few seconds and took my hands away from her face. Giving me a last glance she left the room.

At the dinner time we all sat on the dining table. To my luck Sara had to sit beside me on my left side.

We were all eating and talking about the wedding like how it is conducted and everything.

Sara just sat there calmly so I placed my left hand on her waist and pulled her near to me. I can tell by looking at her that her breathe hitched.

She tried her best to remove my hand but ofcourse I didn't let her. She just gave up and started eating her food.

No one saw this moment as they all were busy talking to each other.

I was about to sleep but I suddenly remembered to message her so I messaged her good night.

After that I was about to sleep but suddenly my phone buzzed. I am shocked again as I got a reply from her.

My sleep just ran away somewhere after reading that reply and I just want to see her. So I tiptoed from my bedroom and went towards her room.

When I reached there I knocked on it and as I got a reply to come in, I opened the door and went inside the room.

I saw that she is sitting in the balcony, so I sat calmly beside her.

After some time she slowly placed her head on my shoulder. I kissed on her forehead and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Did you really loved me before?" She asked me.

"No." I immediately replied.

She sighed and I can tell that she understood in the wrong way.

So I immediately said "I still love you not loved you."

"Then why did you reject me. If you didn't have done that we would have been together with each other."  She said looking at me.

"I got scared of starting a relation without being honest. And I got even more scared to be honest thinking that you will hate me after get to know that I thought about you like that even for few minutes. So I thought it is better to be friends than as a hating person."

She still looking at me so I continued "After that I realized that how much I love you and I want to say that to you and even the reasons for before rejection."

Suddenly she hugged me tightly and my heart beat started rising, this always happen when ever I touch her. Now as she initiated it, my heart just got to another level.

After releasing me she said "I wish these all never happen and we would have been happy."

"We still can be Sara. Just give me a chance." I pleaded her.

"If I even say yes Ashwin then I would be lying to myself so I don't know I really don't know." She said looking away from me.

"I can understand Sara. But remember I will always love you and will be waiting for you." I said with determination.

She looked at me shocked for a second and turned away.

"Good night Sara." I said getting up.

"Good night Ashwin." She replied.

I left her room and went inside mine. I will definitely wait for her no matter what time it takes.

*Sara Pov*

I immediately wanted to say yes to him when he asked for another chance. My heart pleaded me to say 'yes' while my brain just pressed a speed breaker immediately.

I kind of trust him but not that much to say yes without thinking again about my decision. I don't want that.

I just want to accept him without any second thoughts, because if not then they may cause problems for us in the future.

Today they are leaving for Delhi and we all are standing near our door greeting them.

Ashwin just kept on looking at me even when stepping into the vehicle. The car started moving forward and I have a weird thought of running after that and tell him how much I love him.

Just joking ofcourse not even though it would have been romantic but I am not ready. I want definitely some time to think about everything.


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