Interaction 2: Stressed Out.

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"Actually green tea is very good for the body apart from the loss of weight. Polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea, red wine and olives may also help protect you against breast cancer" Nabila says to the doctors in training.

"Really? I had no idea" Rabi replies back.
"Rabi take them to the lab. I'll meet you there" Nabila tells a nurse.

"Okay. Let's go" Rabi says leading all 12 students away.

She turns around and walks back to her office. She and two other doctors shared the office. Dr. Murtala and Dr. Aisha who also happened to be her best friend. They met when Nabila transferred to a school in sokoto for her senior secondary, since then they became best friends.

"Aisha isn't here if you're looking for her" Murtala says engrossed in his desktop.

"Who actually said I was looking for her. Don't you have students instruct?"

"Luckily I don't. You do though but surprisingly you're here—free" he says.

"It's already 10pm. Aren't you leaving?" She asks putting her water bottle in her bag.
"Your students aren't leaving—don't you think someone will ask questions when they see them walking aimlessly?"

"Aimlessly? No way! I told them to go rest and we'll be going to the lab tomorrow"

Aisha comes in and closes the door.
"Ugh! That was tedious wallahi"

"You're not the only one. I'm heading out now" Nabila says.

"Who wants to stop at the cafeteria first?" Aisha asks.
"I'm in!" Murtala takes off his white coat and shoves it in his locker before putting it in.

"Well I can't. You know how Mami gets whenever I don't go home early"

"How unfortunate" Aisha says laughing.
"Haha very funny. Don't forget we have testing at 6am" she picks her bag and walks out.


She locks her car and approaches her mother who was outside waiting impatiently for her.

"Mami, what are you doing outside?" She knew the answer but she still asks anyway.

"I'm waiting for you, why are you late again?"

"Mami I'm a Doctor and I'm very busy. You can't keep coming out late at night to wait for me. Let's go in" she says helping her mother up.

They both get in the house.
"Where is Nafiu?" Nabila asks.
Nafiu is her younger brother. He is 18years, in SS3.

"He went out with his friends".
"And he's still not back yet?"
"He's staying over"

"Oh okay. Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight" she walks away.

She and Mami were never particularly close. Not until her father died 3years ago. Now Mami is trying hard to make it up to her and make up for the lost time.



She leans on her car and takes a deep breath. Murtala drives in, parking next to her.

"Did you get a new paint job?" He asks her.
"No. Why are you asking?"

"It looks brand new"
"It's just professional washing" she says as they walk together.

"The beginning of a new day"
"Ugh! The morning of a horrible day. When you're a doctor everyday is long and dreadful the moment you start regretting it"

"Wow! Regrets? Regretting medicine is huge"
"I know Muri. You don't have to tell me" she says as they walk through the massive hospital doors.

"Aren't those your students?" He asks pointing to a crowd of students.
"I'll go see them after I settle in"

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