Interaction 21: From Now On.

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I sat there thinking about what Abdul told me.
Nabila I don't love you.

It kept replaying over and over in my head, he just used me to get what he wants, a child. I can't believe there is even a part of him that despises the world so much. The moment I asked about what he went through he switched, with the way he got angry and defensive it must have been the unsympathetic one. What am I going to do? My baby isn't even in this world yet and I'm going through so much drama. All this isn't healthy for me right now. In fact will there ever be a healthy time for your husband to tell you he doesn't love you because that is down right heartbreaking.

The door slowly opens and Sumayyah comes in with a smile.
"You should lock it" she suggests and I nod.

After all the pleasantries. She sat beside me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask not even sparing her a glance.

"Tell you what?" She asks playing dumb.
"That Abdul has DID. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to, Wallahi I wanted to but have you ever met boss, that man does not give a crap about who you are. And I noticed that Abdul, the real Abdul really loved the idea and I wanted to see my brother happy but I really did want to do all I could"

"Tell me. What traumatized him?"
"When Abdul was only Five he was kidnapped from school. No one heard from the abductors for 2weeks. When they finally called they asked Baba for 20million Naira in cash but he refused to pay until they reduce the amount. After another week they called back asking for 15million instead. Baba took his time preparing the money which took 5days when he could have given them in 18hours. They got angry and held Abdul for 3more days before they finally let him go. They called baba telling him that Abdul has been in a dry well for 3days with no food or water, they gave him the location. From what we know Abdul was raped, beaten and even forced to lie down on hot zinc in the scorching sun because baba wasted their time. He was given a slice of bread and half cup of dry garri as his food daily. He had to drink from a puddle of water next to the pole that he was tied to. He was held captive for a month and three days. Since he came back he changed, his behavior was different and not that he was blamed for it though".

"When did you notice his split personality?"

She huffs like every breath she took brought her so much pain. "After a month of his release he suddenly went back to the person he was before. It was like nothing happened. He became so cheerful but he had a lot of moments when he would lock himself in a room for hours. We never saw it but he always got into fights in school, he'll beat children up over the smallest issues so baba decided to take him to a psychologist. That was when we really knew what was going on. The real Abdul mentally created personalities that help him deal with his trauma. So the trauma to him became a story, like it never happened"

"So? Then?" I ask impatiently.

"We never really knew how violent he got until when he was in secondary school. Aisha used to have habit of picking things that belonged to people and hiding them but she never picked his things until one day she picked his pills and hid them. The pills suppress his anger, he got so angry he hit her with Baba's wheelchair. Baba got him a psychologist he could trust to keep his condition a secret. But when he met Fatima he changed, he really loved her but she broke his heart and if not for Ihsan he would have killed himself years back"

"What about the suicide? He tried right?"
"Yeah he did. But luckily Isa found him. It was when he was 15years and he saw it on tv. He was tired of everything and wanted to end his life"

I sigh.
He went through a lot and just because of his father. I can't leave him in this condition, I can't watch him this way.

"Where is he?" She asks.
"He's sleeping in my room. I added sleeping pills to his regular pills so he could rest. He hasn't slept in days"

"That was smart. Let me go check on him" she says standing up.

I have to be strong for him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't love me, I love him and that's enough.


Luck was on my side.
This Boss has not appeared for 2weeks now and I'm glad. Abdulhamid is a bit more stable and relaxed, especially with Ihsan back home. We realized that he is more sane when she is next to him. Poor girl she doesn't know a thing. I have completely shut out Isa.

He annoys me to the core and I can't stand him. He knew all about it. He's practically boss's minion and that pisses me off. Shouldn't he try to help instead of ruin Abdul.

I didn't tell Mami or Nafiu because I know they would make it a big deal. I can't deal with their drama right now. I just hope things go well with his new psychologist although it seems like it is.


Abdulhamid's POV.

"So? How are the therapies helping?" Dr. Lawal asks.
"It's good if it was really true" I joke.

Yeah. I asked a friend of mine to pretend to be a psychologist so Nabila would stop worrying about me. I don't want to put my baby's life in jeopardy. And I'm really starting to like my wife, she's refreshing.

"So? Until when are we going to keep this up?"
"Until you feel 2million is too small. But someone with no pride will never think so"

"Anyway prescribe something for me. Abdulhamid has been calm these days and I like that. If he talks anymore I might just let him remember who caused the death of his father and wife, then we'll see what he does about all the guilt" I smirk.

The End!
I'm done writing marriage Transaction and I have to say it was fun doing my research on DID because it's a very interesting subject for me.

Anyway I thank all my readers/supporters.

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