Interaction 18: Trials.

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"So when are you coming to visit again?" Abdulhamid asks Aisha who just got inside her car. I just stood by the side looking at them.

"I'm not sure but soon..I think" she says looking at me.
Abdulhamid looks at me and then back at her "Don't mind her it's just her hormones"
"I think so" she says laughing.

"Don't forget to inform your brother about what we discussed"
"Ahh Haba! Not possible" She says laughing. He also bursts out laughing.

"I'll see you at work" I say slightly pushing Abdulhamid aside to stand infront of her. He starts laughing.
"Sure. Don't be late tomorrow is Monday so it's going to be very busy"

"Ooh! Unfortunately Nabila won't be able to make it because she's spending the day home to rest"
"No—" he looks at me intimidatingly and I keep quiet.

"Then we'll talk later" she winks at me.
We needed to talk about Abdulhamid's condition, I'm starting to get seriously worried about it.


Abdulhamid's POV.

"Well from what I noticed he is with the key 24/7 and he doesn't give anyone but his secretary access to it" Isa tells me flipping his pen continuously.
I was pacing around my office trying to think of a way to finish this once and for all.

"So—his secretary—Tell me what she is like. Do you have her info?" I ask him.

"Well her name is Ruth Ayodeji, she's about 34 years. He practically raised her. He brought her into his home when she was 9years old, he fed, clothed, sheltered and educated her. He supports her parents and 6 brothers 100%. So she is very loyal because she feels indebted. And she—well let's just say I have already infiltrated her" he says with a wink.
I sit next to him excitedly.

"Are you serious?"
"Of course. She thinks I love her"

"What did you tell her exactly?"
"What she wanted to hear. Ruth isn't very good looking, she does not have a good body. So I told her that I have been checking her out and I hate to admit but I'm obsessively in love with her. I also gave her 500k as a way of proving my love".

"That's fantastic. You used her insecurity and love for money against her. That's tactical"
"I learnt from the best"

I stay quiet trying to think carefully.
"But Yaya Nabila's actually starting to suspect something" Isa says.
"Really?" I ask intrigued.
"Yeah she was asking questions. But can't we do anything about it?"

"It's better we let her cool off. She's just tensed and I don't want her worrying, it might affect the baby"

"Okay then but I have put her off track. But I want to come up with something"
"Isah don't worry about irrelevant things right now. All you have to do is focus on this and keep your mind on it. We're almost through, when we are done you can look for your new hobbies"

He smiles. "Are you picking up Ihsan or should I?"
"Uhh—You should go, you can take the day off"
He smiles wider.
"That was why you asked?"
"Yeah but I also enjoy her company"

"Okay then. Have fun and no sugar"
"Yes sir".


"Let's just talk to him" Sumayyah suggests.
"How? You know how Yaya gets about it. I can't talk to him about it Wallahi"

"So we'll just be quiet about it? It's not fair"
"It's not? It's none of our business. I don't want problems with Abdul and you know how he gets"

"Really? So we'll keep our mouths shut?"
"God! Let's keep our mouths shut. We're his sisters and he's our brother but you know that does not matter now. I really feel sorry for him any time I remember. He was still a child"

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