Interaction 5: The Big Change.

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"I'm telling you, I will be rolling in cash soon. Just give me more time" Nafiu says to his dealer.

"More time? You brat, you already owe me 50k. What do you mean by more time? I don't have time and I know other people who what my 'stuff' so if you don't have the money forget it and if I don't get it by next week, I'm going to send the guys over personally to deal with you and your sister"

"My sister has nothing to do with this" he says sternly.
"I don't care. If it's your mother they find at home with you then it's her lucky day, it's not everyday that you get the chance to get beat up" he says laughing hysterically.

"Don't worry, I'll have your money" Nafiu says through gritted teeth.
"Where is a boy like you supposed to get 50k? Anyway I have to meet with my suppliers. Remember don't do drugs" he says mockingly before casually walking away in his normal penguin style.

I'm screwed. Where the hell am I supposed to get 50k?
He runs over to his friend who was waiting for him by the corner.

"Let's go back to school before someone notices we're gone, if my dad finds out I'm dead meat especially with that drug guy"
"His name is 'Rhegal"

"How did you start communicating with someone like him? You should really find a way to deal with it before it gets out of hand but just know one thing as your best friend I am not going to stand by your side, it's your problem fix it alone, the least I can do is escort you to the battlefield and run back home, the man is stupid for god sake, Who names himself after a dragon?" Modibbo asks.

"It's to relay a message. That he is powerful".

"Then He should have named himself something else because last time I checked there is always a way you can put an animal down just like the real Rhegal, he was killled eventually. That son of a bitch!"

"Calm down. Let's go, we have Further Maths" he says as they both run towards the school.


"I'm not so sure about this" Nabila says after she stooged in her bedroom for hours.
"Nabila it's already done, the daurin aure was last two weeks and he hasn't even bothered to ask for you. If you continue this way your marriage won't be successful"

"Mami that's what I want, for him to cancel it"
"Okay since that's what you want but you aren't sleeping in this house today"

"What the hell? Why? What did I do ?" She asks.
"It's not right. You're married but you are still here? It's not accepted in Islam and it's not right so I want you to call him right away"

"Mami I can't just call—" Mami starts talking, making her clam up.
"Nabila! I want you to call him right this instant!" Mama says partially shouting at her.

"Okay Fine"
She picks up her phone from the console and calls him. She saved his number as Sluggish Husband.



Speaking. Who am I talking to?

You don't even have my contact, fantastic.

Am I suppose to?


I asked for your name and you aren't willing to answer, I don't know how you got my personal line but if you want to talk you can talk to my secretary.

It's Nabila.


I'm sure you feel embarrassed.

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