Interaction 13: Meeting The Family.

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"It's so good to officially meet you. I've heard about you from both Uncle Musa and my husband" I say and she giggles.

Why the hell is she giggling?
"Your husband? That's sweet" she says and I smile.
"Yeah apparently".

"It's good to officially meet you too. I've heard a lot about you from Musa. And I have to say I'm impressed but I expect nothing less from my brother. At least he made a right choice this time" she frowns "unlike that dead Fatima".

"Aisha mind what you say" Sumayyah scolds her little sister.

We all sat in Aisha's bedroom. Sumayyah was playing with her baby niece Firdausi. Aisha is Abdulhamid's exact replica the only difference is the height, body build and skin color. You could say he, Ihsan and her came out from the same womb but in reality only two came out from the same womb and the other well, we all know.

"I just have to say it. If she wasn't dead I would have insulted her".
"Cut it out. I'm going to get some water" Sumayyah says and walks out.

Immediately she hears Sumayyah walking down the stairs she leans closer.

"What happened was that Fatima cheated on my dear brother with that shameless Illyasu. He doesn't like talking about it so we try not to bring it up" she spills out without breathing, she starts panting when she ends her sentence.

"Wow!" I say stunned.
"I know right. And they were in-love but you know women, they always want more"

I sat there like a statue. Why the hell will I cheat on someone like Abdulhamid with Illyasu?

Sumayyah comes in with Firdausi's feeding bottle and a bottle of chill water.
"So what should we watch, talk or gossip about?" She asks.
"Anything is fine" Aisha says with a suspicious smile.


I stood there looking at Abdulhamid unable to get the whole Fatima thing out of my head.
He turns around and looks at me still chopping his ginger.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, nothing at all"
"It doesn't look at way. What's wrong?" He asks keeping the knife and turning to me.

"Really, it's nothing at all"
"Are you sure? Because I I remember clearly my wife isn't a liar"
"And I'm not lying"

He turns back to his work "You can tell me when you get curious enough to know the answer, you always do"
"Nah I wouldn't because there is nothing I need to tell you"

"Let's go with that but we both know you do darling" he puts the ginger in the kettle and walks out.

I sat down on my bed still thinking about it. Ihsan was lying down on my carpet doing her homework. I really don't know why it's bothering me.

The door opens and Abdulhamid comes in.
"Mind if I join you ladies?" He asks sitting next to me.

Ihsan just nods and smiles before going back to her homework.
"Tomorrow you and I are going out"
"What?" I ask.

"Nabila you heard what I said. I know tomorrow is supposed to be a day off for you but you have Saturday and Sunday for that. So immediately after the Friday prayer I'll wait outside for you".
"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Don't worry it's not about what Aisha told you"
"What? What are you talking about?" I ask shocked.

"I know she told you about Fatima"
"How? She told you?"

"The way you were acting said it all"
"Oh" is all I say.
"Yeah oh" he stands and walks out.

How did he find out about it?
Was I being too obvious? No it wasn't that, I fooled him perfectly, he didn't suspect a thing so how did he know?


"So where are we going?" I ask when I get in the car.

"Abdul tell me"
"You'll see, be patient girl"

"I just hope we aren't going to your wife's grave" I say.
He turns and looks at me like I'm insane, not that I blame him though.
"What? That's just sick, if that's the case I wouldn't bring you along".

"So you go?" I ask slightly bothered that my husband might be visiting his wife's grave.
"No, you don't have to be jealous"

"Yeah. I have a right to be" I say.
He turns around and smiles at me, that smile. The same smile I rarely see but love madly. Is he really being sincere about all this? Is this the real him or is it all a front? I don't really know and I'm so confused that I don't fall for the wrong one.

"I've been thinking and I want all this to be real" I say.
He says nothing and continues driving.
"I don't know how you feel about it but let's actually do it. We're already married anyway"

He huffs and says nothing.
I felt terrible.
Just a sigh?
B A S T A R D ! ! !

We finally parked and we come out.
We entered and apparently we sat at the VVIP side of the restaurant.
It was awkward, at least for me. He was behaving like I didn't say a thing.

"It's annoying not getting an answer" I say. He looks at me and smiles.

"That was what I wanted to talk to you about, it was supposed to be a romantic lunch were I'd tell you how much I like you and how much I want you to give yourself to me officially but you raced me to it. That was what the sigh was for"

I sat there looking at him like a dunce. I can't believe I ruined everything. And I can't believe he just used 'give yourself to me!' Could this guy be any less romantic?
"I'm sorry for ruining it"
"No there's no need. The good thing is I know you feel the same"

"Yeah I do".
"So honey, let's have a romantic lunch before we go back to being 24/7 parents"
Our food was served and we started eating. I ate while turning my head around checking out our private room. It's gorgeous.

"So when are we having a baby?" He asks out of the blue making me choke on my food.
"Baby?" I cough out.
"Yeah. I want another baby" he pouts.

"You're pouting? Wait! baby?" I ask again.
"Nabila was I speaking another language?" he asks rolling his eyes with a bored expression.

Sometimes when he talks like this I remember that angelic smile and wonder if it's the same person, I doubt it. The guy with the angelic smile was here minutes ago so where the hell did he go? Sometimes love can't make you change your attitude no matter what.

"Well let's think this over"
"There is nothing to think over. I want a baby, Ihsan wants a sibling, both our parents want grandchildren so Nabila are you trying to stop me from having a second child?"

I say nothing just looking at him. Then in an instant My Angel returns.
"Whenever I remember how it felt when Ihsan was born I get so excited and happy, I want to feel that again. That joy and excitement I get whenever I get home, that pain I feel when I have to go to work, that joy I feel when I carry my child" and then that smile.

"Okay then?" I ask.
"Nabila? Why are you asking?" He asks another bored expression.
"Okay. Okay then"

"That's not answer"
"I seriously don't get you at times. Do you have a split personality?"

"I don't. So are you going to answer me now or am I just going to have to do this my way later on?" He asks with a smirk.
"—What?" I look at him questioningly.

He just stares at me.
"Okay sure. Yes" I answer when I comprehend what he's trying to say.

He smirks.
Sometimes I really wonder if I'm married to multiple men because he's weird but I still want to make it work, I also love that he's weird.

Here you go!

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