Interaction 15: Motives.

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After contemplating for days I finally came to a conclusion. The best way to find out if my theory is right is by asking someone really close to Abdulhamid. Even if it hurts me to do this to him I am also doing it for Ihsan and my unborn baby. I haven't told him yet but I want to make sure everything is safe before I do.

Finally Isa walks in smiling at me.
"I'm busy fah at work. I have a new project that is due next week Thursday. So what do you want hajjajo?" He asks me.

"Just sit down" I say with a straight face not laughing with him like I usually do.
"Okay" he replies awkwardly sitting next to me.

"I know Abdulhamid is like a brother to you and you really love him. And I know this might seem wrong and stupid but I haven't been able to sleep. I want to know" I pause to inspect his reaction but I got nothing. It was blank so I continue "Is there something about Abdulhamid that I don't know?" I ask.

He huffs.
"Why do you ask Nabila?" He rolls his eyes.
"I just want to know. So?"

"Look Nabila all you should know is that you are lucky to have him in your life. He cares about you and you mean a lot to him"

"You haven't explained anything. I'm worried"
"Did he hurt you?" He asks looking annoyed.

"I said did he hurt you in any way?" He asks again.

"No but—" he cuts me off.
"Then why are you complaining?"

"He has been off lately"
"And that's why you feel something is off? Because his behavior has been abnormal?"

"I know it sounds...stupid but I really want to know"
"Things have just been very...." he pauses. "Difficult and confusing at work, it's frustration and nothing else. But I will advice you to talk to him about it" He smiles. Not the way he normally smiles though.

"You're right. It's the best thing to do"
"Don't worry I'll go pick up Ihsan so you two can talk properly without any....distractions" he smiles and thankfully his normal vibrant smile.

"Thanks Mallam"


I nervously sit looking at Abdulhamid who was so focused on watching today's episode of The Medallion.

"Nabila what is it?" He asks with his eyes still stuck on the screen.

I couldn't approach him directly, I needed things to be peaceful first.
I slowly stand and sit next to him. He turns around and looks at me questioningly.

"I have something to tell you"
"What is it?" He asks me not in the least interested in what I have to say.

"Maybe you haven't noticed but things have been very different around here"

"And by that you mean?"
"You haven't been yourself for a while and I'm worried. I know it's probably because of work, it's frustrating but I just can't get my head straight"

"I know. I apologize for it. But I'll be back in my happy and giddy mood soon enough" he says but almost sarcastically.

"Abdul I'm serious!" I blurt out almost as a scream. He looks at me shocked.

"You're serious?" He asks with a fascinated look.
"I am. I really am"

"And why now? Why now?"
"Because they say babies are born with the situation their mother's where in during pregnancy. And I don't want my baby always feeling negative vibes!" He stays silent looking at me shocked.

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