Interaction 12: Moving In.

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"Abdulhamid please whatever you do don't break that!" I say trying to sound as calm as I could, one mistake and he'll drop it intentionally and I know he can buy a new one for me but it's not the same as the real one.

"I'm being as careful as I can. If you need more help call Isah or Nafiu" he suggests still struggling with the huge decorative vase.

"What are you going to do with this anyway? Cook with it? It's ugly" he says finally gently keeping it.

"Well it was grandmas, it was the only thing she left me"
"Okay that's cute but you are not going to put that hideous thing in my living room"

"What do you mean? It's mine too"
"Okay you won't put it in the main parlor but you can put it in your parlor because it would just ruin my stylish thousand dollar fancy chairs"

"Fancy? You're joking"I scoff.
"We both know I'm better at this than you are"
"You wish. Let's get back to work" I change the topic of discussion because I knew he was right, he has better taste and that is why I didn't argue when he said he'll furnish most of the rooms in the house himself.

After suffering for days we are finally done.
I went inside my bedroom and lied down.
"Nabila!" Abdulhamid calls me knocking on the door.
"Yes!" I say not moving from my position.

He comes in and groans when he sees me lying down.
"The way your lying down right now is a total turn off for your information"

"You were the one who came in, you should be glad I'm not naked"
"I would have actually preferred that" he says with a smirk.
"Of course. I forgot who I was talking to"

"Anyway I was hoping you would be the one picking up Ihsan from my mother's house tomorrow so that you two can talk. She only met you once, when I took you to meet her officially".
"So what should I wear?"

"Anything you like"
"A bikini?"

"If you want to, as long as you're comfortable wearing it. It's not like you look good in anything anyway".
"Just because I don't have curves does not mean I don't have a good body"

"I never said that. I just don't think you look good in anything but if you think it's because you don't have curves be it"
"You're so annoying!"

He laughs and walks out.


I barge into Abdulhamid's room with a pile of clothes on my hand. He was wearing only his boxers.
"Put some clothes on. I need to talk to you" I say sitting down on the other side of the bed.
"You're the one who came in so you'll just to enjoy everything you see" he says still using his phone.

I kneel on the bed with the clothes infront of me, in the middle between he and I.
He turns and looks at me then back at the clothes.
"And? What are these for?" He asks.
"I don't know what I should wear to see your mum"

He smiles.
A smile I have never seen before.
It's not an Abdulhamid smile, it was genuine and cute, those two words can't even be put on the same sentence with the name Abdulhamid.

"You don't have to worry about that. Just wear something nice, something you feel comfortable in you'll look good anyway" he says and turns back to using his phone.

Now I'm looking around the room waiting for the real Abdulhamid to show up because this is definitely either a stunt double or a doppelgänger.
"Really?" I ask.
"Of course. My mum is actually really cool and I'm sure she'll like you since you're a lovable person anyway" he says not taking his eyes off his phone.

I knelt there looking at him, shocked.
He turns around and looks at me. "I have to get dressed and leave for work. Don't bother yourself with dinner, I'll get something for us" and with that he enters the bathroom.

"Sumayyah is there as well but she's also nothing to worry about" he says when he comes back inside the room.
"You sure? I don't want them to hate me"

"I don't hate you then why would they? Even if they do it's not like it will change anything. So Nabila calm your nerves down" he goes back inside the bathroom with his bathrobe on his shoulders.

I pack my clothes and walk out replaying our conversation over and over again.


I sat across Abdulhamid's mother and sister, trying not to look like a thief.
"So how has it been at the hospital?" His mum asks me.
"A bit hectic but I've had the week off because of all the packing"

"So you have nothing to do tomorrow?" Sumayyah asks me.
"No plans" I reply back.
"Okay, why don't you come with me to my sister's house?" She asks.
"Sure I will, I have nothing to do anyway"

"Wait! You've never been to the house? I thought Uncle Musa is your Uncle?"
"He is but I'm not really a people person. I'm always at the hospital on weekdays and I'm always at home on weekends"

"So most of your friend's are from the hospital right?" His mum asks.
"Yeah they are. We're together most of the time"

"Anyway Ihsan went out with my daughter Khadijah. They went out to see a friend in the neighborhood"
I look at her surprised. She laughs.

"I know Ya Abdul will strangle me when he hears it but he has to let her go out sometimes but please don't tell him"
"I won't but I think we both know Ihsan will"
"Ahh! I forget she tells him everything"

"Yeah she does. I'm surprised"
"He's smart. He started that relationship with her since she was young and now it has become a part of them".

"I hope it continues because teenagers tend to be rebellious"
"Yup. But if I were her I wouldn't. Abdulhamid is not one to take things lightly"

"He's strict?" I ask. I know there is an amount of strictness but I always thought he was soft although she never does anything to piss him off, probably that's why I still haven't seen that strict side of him yet.


"I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time" I say with a sigh.
We all sat in my living room. As usual Abdulhamid was seated on the carpet with Ihsan's head on his lap, he made her lie down when she started drifting off.

"Yeah maybe it's because you know you have tomorrow free" He says back properly adjusting the scarf on his daughter's head.
"Actually I don't. Sumayyah and I are going to Aisha's house"

"Really? When last did you see her anyway?" He asks looking at me.

"What do you mean never? Isn't Uncle Musa your Uncle?"
"He is but I have never really been to his house, ever"
"Wow! Are you antisocial?" He asks me with a smile.

"Sometimes I am"
"Come on Nabila, you're a medical doctor why are you answering me like you're not educated?" He asks raising his eyebrows.
"You don't have to get salty"

"Salty? I'm just being serious. I don't want you saying this and people misunderstanding you to be like us.
"Like you? How?"

"You studied in Sudan for 6years, you came back and had your conversion course for a year, you worked as an intern for another year and you still worked for two years to be where you are now so I can't be compared with you. I studied in Romania for 3years, came back and had my NYSC went to UK for my Masters and then took over my dad's company the following year"

"So?" I ask unsure of where he was getting at.
"You've been studying for 10years while I have been studying for half of that. Of course we shouldn't be compared. So don't give people the opportunity to make you feel less of yourself and if you continue talking like that, they will"

"Yeah. You're right" I say still stunned by his honesty.
"Let me take her to bed" he picks Ihsan up and walks out.

What is going on with Abdulhamid?
Why is he doing this to me?
Maybe it's time we both give this relationship a try.


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