Interaction 3: The Deal.

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"Ihsan wants to stay with you" Abdulhamid says to his mother.
"Oh really? Where is she?" She asks collecting Ihsan's duffel bag.

"She's at school. Isah will bring her here from school"

"Okay but tell me, why are you really bringing her here?"
"Why are you asking? Isn't it normal to bring my daughter to her grandma's house?" He asks.

"No it's not but you never like taking her somewhere else. You always want her by your side and I am the one who usually asks you to bring her over and you're bringing her willingly? It's a bit weird"

"I need to focus on work right now. I know I wouldn't be able to have time since I'll be spending most of my time at the office and I can't leave her alone at home. But if you want I can take her to Summaya's house (his younger sister, his mother's 2nd child)"

"Okay. I'll pray for you. And this time please don't starve yourself. Eat properly, promise me"

"I promise"
"Take care of yourself, my boy"

"Mama I'm not a child. I have a child. My youngest sister has 2 children"

"You'll forever be my baby boy, no matter how old or rich you become"
He smiles.

"I have to go. I'll call you later" he drives away.
She walks back inside the house.


"Mallam Musa, I haven't seen you in a while" Illyasu says sitting across Uncle Musa, a table separating them.
"Once again business and money has brought us together"

"Indeed It has. Abdulhamid was just informed of your arrival, he'll be here any second"

"So you're still his lawyer after what happened?" Uncle Musa asks him.

"Oh no! I'm not his lawyer. I'm just a friend trying hard to fix his mistakes, don't you think it's the best way to get Abdulhamid on my side again?" He asks with a smirk.

"Still a manipulative boy I see. You're exactly like your father"
"I pray so because being ruthless has been a dream of mine" he says sarcastically.

The door opens and Abdulhamid comes in with his Lawyer Ali following behind him with a brief case.

They sit side by side.
"It's good to see you Abdul" Uncle Musa says.

"I feel the same way, Uncle Musa" he gives him a genuine smile.
"How is your mother and little Ihsan?"

"They are okay, has she come to her senses? Or are you here as family?"

"It's good to know you never forgot your brother in law"
"How can I when he is the man holding the sword?"

Uncle Musa erupts with laughter.
"Indeed, Indeed" He says his belly shaking with vibration as he laughed.

"So we are here to talk about the whole deal. The stakes and the gains" Ali says changing the subject.

"So? Does she have conditions?" Abdulhamid asks.
"Well she has 2 conditions and I have 1. Since I am part of it, Aren't I?"

"Indeed Uncle. What are the conditions?"
"First, she would want at least 30% of the company"

"Oh no! The best she can get is 20%. And we both know that's a lot. 20% is life changing enough".

"Okay. I'll agree with 20% . And the second, she doesn't want you to change the name. It's the name her grandfather personally chose"

"You mean your father?" Illyasu asks.

Uncle Musa glares at him before turning his attention back on Abdulhamid.
"Well, You were best buds with my late father so you know how bad he wanted that company, unfortunately he never got the chance and now that I have I feel this passion for a different name since I used my billions to get it anyway. If I spend my money on it why can't I change the name? That's not a condition I'm willing to accept"

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