Alex Vause- Feelings (c)

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You held your roll of toilet paper as you shuffled into the bathroom. You had been in Lichfield for a couple of days, and you really had to pee, you had held it the whole time you had been here and now your bladder felt like it was going to explode. Peaking your head around the entrance of the bathroom you saw no one. You let out a sigh of relief.

Scurrying to a cubical you closed the door and sat on the toilet. Within seconds you realised you wasn't in the bathroom alone. Soft sobs came from the cubicle next to you. You finished up, flushing the loo, before washing your hands and going over to the cubicle.

You hesitated for a second. You hadn't spoken to anyone really since you had got here other than Morello, who spoke to you on the ride to Lichfield. Your knuckles collided against the flimsy door.

"Hello, are you okay?" You whispered.

"I'm fine," A voice responded.

"No one cries when they are alright. Do you want to talk about what's wrong?" you said calmly.

You heard another sob before a click and the door opened slowly. Taking a step back you saw a tall woman leave the toilet stall.

"I was here for quite a while, then I got out. I've just recently been sent back here," she said quietly.

You paused, not really knowing what to say to this woman.

"It's alright you can leave. Prison's not really a slumber party, you don't really share your feelings," she shrugged.

"It's okay. I've only been here two days, and I've put so much energy into not breaking down I feel exhausted. I'm Y/N by the way," you smiled softly, "my lawyer told me it'd be like summer camp, I never went to camp as a kid, but I'm sure it's nothing like this."

She smiled softly wiping away her tears.

"I'm Alex. It gets easier, I just never thought I'd come back here. One prison sentence was more than enough," she frowned.

You nodded lightly, "At least you know what to expect, you've been here before and I'm guessing you made friends the first time you was here, most of them are probably still here," you let out an awkward laugh, "I'm sorry I don't really know what to say, I'm not great at pep talks and I am certainly not prepared to try and comfort someone over their prison problems."

She laughed softly, "It's fine, even just having a friendly face around here is a bonus. Most people in this place would have ignored my crying or would have laughed at it. Thank you for being nice.

"Your welcome. I'd want someone to attempt to comfort me if I was crying in a toilet cubicle," you shrugged.


Written by Charlotte.

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