Tricia Miller- Anxiety (c)

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With each breath, you struggled to keep calm. Erratically, you attempted to level your breathing back to normal level, but you struggled to on your own. Anxiety had felt as though it was always an element of your life, causing you problems and affecting anything that made you happy. Being in prison just made it worse. You were without any support you were used to, and CO's didn't give a shit about how anxious you were if it meant you weren't doing as they said.

Sometimes you couldn't pinpoint what caused your anxiety, such as at that moment. You were lying on your bed in your bunk, unable to settle your breathing, but without a clue what had caused you to fall into such a stated. You wished you could settle it quickly, no one knew about your anxiety at the prison, only two inmates knew of it. Red had instantly become close enough to a mother figure to you, protecting you and making sure you were okay, whilst Tricia knew as she was one of your closest friends there and you felt as though you had to tell her so she could make sure to help you in situations where you struggled.

Before you could catch up with your thoughts, Tricia was perched on the edge of your bed, her hands seeking out yours.

"Hey, it's okay," she said to reassure you.

You nodded your head, knowing it was going to be fine, but still unable to calm down enough for it to seem normal or to speak.

"Follow me," she smiled.

Tricia took in a deep breath, held it and then slowly released it again. She copied the action once more, gesturing for you to copy her. You did your best to imitate her as she took her deep breaths, slowly being able to imitate them perfectly. Once your breathing was normal, Tricia led a few more breaths before smiling at her.

"Thank you," you whispered, your voice hoarse and pained slightly.

"Anytime," she smiled. "What caused that?"

You shrugged your shoulders, completely uncertain of the fact. Anxiety was perplexing, and you did wish it wasn't so confusing but sometimes there wasn't anything you could think of that was causing a panic attack, it just happened.

"It doesn't matter," she stated. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

"Honestly thank you Tricia. I don't know what I'd do if everyone found out about my anxiety. Thank you for helping me."


Written by Charlotte.

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