Galina Reznikov- Apprentice (a)

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The kitchen that provided the girls was normally pretty hectic and today was no different. A 'shipment' ,which was the CO's way of referring to inmates, just came from a prison upstate after a rather... Rowdy inmate had set fire to her bunk bed and put a whole block out of commission. It may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but 30 new inmates to feed took its toll on the kitchen staff, especially Red who was barking orders at her work force like a ships captain to a crew of sailors.

"Red!" You called out, trying to get her attention, women danced and waltzed around you carrying bowls and trays almost in perfect coordination.

"What is it y/s/n... I am kinda busy here..." She prodded a short and stubby fork into a tray of beige cake.

"Well..." She took the knife out and meticulously scrutinised its prongs.

"Do not give me well, give me a point I do not have all day here. I do not have have time on the best of days for a polite conversation now hurry up." The cake was lifted off of the table by Norma , leaving an empty space which was quickly filled with another cake.

"I just noticed that you were a teeny-tiny bit busy in here..." The process was repeated with this cake, and the cake after that.

"No shit..."

"And I was wondering if you maybe wanted an extra pair of hands in here?" She chuckled to herself in her thick accent and threw a tea towel over her shoulder, a quick 'no' brought the chuckle to an abrupt stop.

"Come on... Just give me a chance... One day working with you, you do not like my cooking, I won't stay!"

Red let out a hum of consideration, which was also brought to a sudden stop with a blunt 'no'.

"You clearly need the help, lunch starts in about ten minutes and are you even close to being done?" Red was not impressed with your comment.

"That is because somebody will not stop talking to me... Besides, what makes you think you are good enough to work in my kitchen?"

"I worked in a Michelin star restaurant before being sent to this dump."

"Holding your cap outside the restaurant and begging for change does not count as working there. DINNER SERVICE STARTS IN TEN MINUTES PEOPLE MOVE IT!"

"No Red, as in I worked in there. Wasn't long before I was going to get my promotion but you know, shit happens."

"Promotion to what? Executive floor mopped?"

"Nope, sous chef."

"Yeah right... Pfft." Your expression must have told her that you were not lying.

"Fine, you get one day. But do not fuck me around or you will be out of here."


Written by Aaron.

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