Lorna Morello- Making Friends (c)

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You timidly got into the prison van, as the only inmate being transferred to Lichfield today.

The driver turned to you smiling.

"Hey there, I'm Morello," she smiled.

"Morello?" you asked.

That was a rather odd name, you had never heard it before.

"Yeah, well Lorna Morello, we all go by our surnames in Lichfield," she smiled.

"Wait you're an inmate at Lichfield?"

That clarified the name thing, but it did worry you that they allowed one of the inmates the drive the van around, that could easily cause issues. Well you presumed that she was a trustworthy inmate as well as not being convicted for anything too bad.

"Yeah, no one else will drive, so they just get inmates to do it."

"Oh. I'm Y/F/N Y/S/N," you smiled softly.

One of the only things you knew about prison was that you'd only be able to survive it if you made friends, so you thought it'd be a good idea to befriend Morello before even getting to the prison.

"So Y/L/N, been to prison before?" she asked in such a natural tone, it was clear she had done this before.

You shook your head as she could clearly see you in the rear view mirror of the vehicle.

"Don't worry. It's honestly not that bad. As long as you make friends and stay within your group, you'll do fine. Really, you'll get used to it there, I've been there for a while, you make friends and you can relax and just get along," she shrugged, "Seriously we don't bite, well not that much."

It was clear that Morello was trying to settle your thoughts and to help you feel at ease but really it worried you more. There were groups, what if you didn't fit in? What if you didn't make friend? Would someone hurt you? What if someone tried to kill you? You had no way to protect yourself, you'd end up killed before you could even attempt to defend yourself.

"You're over thinking it all," she laughed, seeing the concern wash over your face, "No one will cause you any trouble as long as you don't cause them any issues. And anyway, I'll do my best to help you as will a lot of others, if you are nice to people. If anyone does give you any problems though tell me alright."

You nodded.

"We'll be good friends Y/L/N," she smiled as she continued to drive.


Written by Charlotte.

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