Alex Vause- Spooning (c)

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Sometimes prison felt as though life had come to a standstill and you were never going to move on from the hell you had to live there. However, whenever you were in Alex's arms it didn't feel so hopeless. You cared for her dearly. You knew she wasn't a good person, no one hear was 100% good hence being in prison, but that didn't stop your love for her. Cuddling was a distraction for you from your reality. The guards weren't fond of 'lesbian activity' which cuddling was encompassed under but sometimes it was worth the possible shot to get to be close to her.

Alex's arm was draped over you with your back pressed against her front. She'd flipped your hair over your shoulder, so it didn't get in her face, allowing her breath to tickle the back of your neck. It was simply bliss. However, in a place like that, any form of happiness would come to an end promptly.

"No spooning!"

You looked towards the doorway of your bunk to see one of the new CO's stood there, a stern expression on his face. He was underqualified for the job; all of the new guards were but you were still going to obey his commands until he left and then continue cuddling.

"Sorry," you sighed, sitting up, Alex joining you.

Alex slipped her hand towards yours, lacing your fingers together, hidden in the blanket that lay on top of your bed.

"Good," he frowned, walking off to continue his patrol of the dormitories.

She squeezed your hand gently, putting her glasses back on.

"I hate this place," she stated.

"Don't we all."

Alex rolled her eyes. "It sucks arse that I can't show you that I love you without being the next lesbian on the chopping block. I need to touch someone once in a while, not just when there's a cavity search."

You couldn't help but laugh slightly even if you felt her pain. It felt wrong that you were punished for showing love. You knew you were in prison as a punishment, but it seemed a cruel and unnecessary addition to it.

"I know it's not fair however, the rules have never stopped us before," you grinned at her.

Her expression mirrored yours as she looked around quickly to see where the CO was before leaning in and pressing her lips to yours in a sweet and loving kiss.


Written by Charlotte.

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