Piper Chapman- Release (a)

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"What do you want to do once you're out of here?" Piper sat behind you on the ever so bumpy bed and twirled her fingers around your hair.

"How long do you have left in here again?" You asked her, she had told you so many times but for some reason the information never stuck.

"I don't know... ten and a half months or so?"

"I guess I'm waiting for you then, I'm out in about seven and I don't think the COs will take too kindly to me trying to start some kind of race war just to try and get a few months added." Piper laughed gently to herself and continued to play with your hair.

"No seriously, what are you going to do when you get out? Fast food? New phone? Sleep on a bed that doesn't feel like a brick?"

"No Piper... you're my life now. I'll get out, probably find some cheap ass place to live that isn't too far from this hell hole and then just try and distract myself until you get out. Well, granted that you don't do some stupid shit and get a few years slapped onto your sentence."

"Come on." Her slender and warming arms wrapped around your shoulder and met just underneath your chest, her cheek lent on the back of your head. "I'm not getting any more time on my sentence, you know me, I always keep away from trouble."

"Yeah well, trouble doesn't always keep away from you does it?"

"You kinda have a point. Don't worry though, if it means less time away from you, I'll stay on my best behaviour, scouts honour!" She half-heartedly raised three fingers whilst keeping her grip on you tight.

"You were a scout?" You turned your head ever so slight so that you could see a mere glance of her in your peripheral vision.

"Kinda... okay no, I wasn't, but still. You have my word. Why do you want to stay here anyway? Surely you want to go way away from this place, maybe a nice house in Florida? Wisconsin possibly if you want somewhere a bit colder?"

"No, I'll stay here, it's going to be a bit hard to visit you if I move to a different state, I heard there's a town or something just a few miles out. Rent can't be too high if it's next door to a prison that holds scum like you." Piper's jaw opened in response to your nasty comment.

"You bitch." She responded, a smile spreading from ear to ear.


Written by Aaron

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