Alana Dwight- Snoring (c)

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Snoring was oddly calming for you. Before you ended up in prison, you were used to your partner snoring her head off, so it had become hard to sleep without the noise when you first moved into the prison. You were bunked with Red, and she didn't snore at all, it took a fair amount of time to come around to the silence but with all the new inmates you heard the noise again.

You couldn't blame Alana for snoring. It wasn't her fault and there wasn't anything really, she could do about it, but you could understand Red's annoyance seen as she wasn't getting nearly enough sleep with the new work hours and the noise your bunkmate made.

Alana had expressed how bad she felt, and in the new broken noise she had been given after falling out of her bunk as well as being hit in the common room, you weren't surprised the snoring had become worse.

The dark-haired girl was sat on the edge of her bunk, her head in her hands. It had been another morning of Red muttering as she got ready for work about how bad she had slept and by the time it was time for the rest of you to wake you knew it had played on her mind.

She swung her legs back and forth as you approached her, resting a hand on her bunk.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah," she sighed. "I feel terrible though. I don't sleep too bad usually, but I've been waking up a lot as Red scares me. I don't want to upset her."

You gave her a pitiful smile. Red was terrifying, even to someone whom she considered her daughter like yourself. No one wanted to get on the bad side of her.

"It'll be okay. She's just cranky. It can take some time to get used to a snorer. My girlfriend used to snore all the time, it didn't really bother me, but we discovered if she used more pillows to keep her head up a bit it stopped it."

She cocked an eyebrow at you. "And where am I supposed to get more pillows from? They weren't impressed with giving everyone one a single one."

"I thought ahead," you smiled, dropping the bountiful harvest onto her bed. "I traded a few things and went to commissary. Someone traded their pillow, God knows why, I got a couple of blankets and some old paper backs. If you put the books at the bottom and surround them in the blankets and pillows it won't be any harder than the metal bed frame."

She gave you a warm smile in return, looking through the stuff you had given her.

"Why did you do this for me? We barely know each other."

"You seem sweet. It'd be a shame for Red to kill you," you grinned. "Hopefully the snoring will get better, but it might take a while with the broken nose."


Written by Charlotte.

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