Tricia Miller- Tickles (a)

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Tricia sat in between your legs, your hands caressed her soft hair before beginning to transform her flowing locks into her trademark cornrows, ever since you had been together you had done her hair for her, a talent you picked up before coming to prison.

"It's like, so awesome that you can do these for me. Sophia charges me a crazy amount, like, what's the point? It isn't as if it's hard to do..."

"Tricia, can I ask you something? And don't just answer because I have your hair in my hand."

"Well... yeah... sure." A change in her tone and a nervous chuckle indicated that she was very unsure of what was to come.

"Are you sure that you love me?" Another string of nervous laughs emerged from in front of you.

"Well yeah, why?" You continued overlapping parts of her hair, pulling them tightly towards her scalp.

"I've just been watching how you are with some of the other girls in here, I didn't want to be mistaken and think that we were exclusive or whatever, I'm not really into any of the open relationship shit that some of the chicks in here do." Her hands reached on top of her head and grabbed yours, prompting for you to stop, your hands fell into your lap as she spun around, only a very small part of her hair was braided. She delicately rubbed the back of your hands with her thumbs as her hands gently held yours.

"I don't really think I'm in the position to go around making enemies in this place if you know what I mean, but that doesn't mean I just go around loving everybody, I can't stand most of the bitches I talk to, I would just rather that than get stabbed." Words never really were a strong suit of hers. "The truth is... I have a bit of a problem..." Your heart sank, and you could feel tears begin to well in the corners of your eye. "You see the thing is, when I love somebody I just have to tickle 'em."

Within an instant she had leapt upon you with both of her arms outstretched, it was hard to talk or even breathe between the constant laughing. You found yourself on your back as she sat on you, attacking your armpits and sides.

"S-s-s-stop it!" Her onslaught did not halt, she mercilessly prodded at you causing an uncontrollable shockwave of laughter from the both of you, there was no way you could push her off you as you could barely inhale. "T-t-t-Tricia... come on."

With a stern prompting from Mendez Tricia clambered off you, you could feel how red and hot your face was and you could not stop yourself from laughing. "Not cool..."

"Hey I'm sorry." She responded with a shrug. "I told you, I just can't help myself."

"Come on for real now. Do you love me?" You stared deeply into her eyes.

"You and only y/n..."


Written by Aaron.

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