Brook Soso- Kindness (c)

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There wasn't a spokesperson for 'the others', the other groups had at least one person whom would comfort and help new inmates, they didn't. You felt bad for Brook, who was the newest inmate in Lichfield. You'd spoken to Chapman, whom was currently rooming with her before they got their bunks and even though she said she didn't care about Soso, she said she wasn't coping very well. You went to commissary and bought some basic necessities and some snacks for her.

Once you'd gathered the best care package you could manage in a prison you walked down to the room she was staying in. The door was open, as it usually was, so you let yourself in when DeMarco gave you a welcoming smile.

Soso was curled on her bunk, clearly crying into her pillow. You felt terrible. Not many people adjusted to prison easily, especially if no one was supporting her.

"Soso," you said softly.

She raised her tear-stricken face.

"Hello," she whispered.

"Hi, I'm Y/S/N. Thought I'd bring you some things to make you feel at home," you smiled.

The smallest of smiles appeared on her face.

"Why?" She asked.

"No one had welcomed you. And it takes some time to get used to this place, but it's easier with friends. I remember when I first came here, and without people supporting me I think I would have ended up in psych instantly," you said softly.

"Thank you for being kind," she smiled. "Not many people have been. The driver, Morello I think, she gave me a toothbrush but no one else has really even smiled at me let alone been nice. I don't fit in this place. There isn't an Asian family for me."

You couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"You'll find your place Soso. People just need to get to know you. For now, you can eat dinner with me, and if anyone has an issue, I'll sort that out. We'll get you through this. We're all in the same boat, some people have been here so long that they can't remember how hard it was when they first got here."

"Thank you," she smiled softly. "I really appreciate it. I always thought it'd be more like camp, but it isn't. It isn't anything like camp."

You shook your head. "If this is anything like camp, it isn't a camp I'd want to go to. However you'll get out of here at some point, just keep your head down and you'll get through."


Written by Charlotte.

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