♧ new boy ♧

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"hello class! I have a huge surprise for you today!" mrs. kang exclaimed entering the class with a pile of books in her hands.
"we have a new student! please welcome park jimin!"

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard someone quacking.

i lazily opened my eyes and saw how a young boy entered our class.

oh riiiight.

we have a new student. well, whatever. as long as he doesn't sit next to me I'll be fine.

"please introduce yourself." she said kindly.

"oh well,,, my name is park jimin-"

yeah no shit sherlock, the teacher literally just said that.

"and.. I like to draw, sing, dance and write stories!" jimin chirped and smiled.

"awe! thank you dear.. please sit next to.... hmm..."

istg bitch, if you say my name eye-

"ah! min yoongi!"


"he looks so lonely and sleepy all the time! hopefully you'll make him a better student."

I AM a great student fyi! I am the good looking hot guy every girl wants! too bad for the girls tho.. I'm gay! hA!

"hi~" jimin waved at me.


let's take a moment to appreciate that voice-

that is literally the sweetest voice I've heard omg I want to feed him cotton candy and wrap him in a warm blanket-


I just blinked and put my head down keeping my swag.

the class started and I think jimins perfume is what made me awake at the moment.
kinda weird that the perfume is the exact same as my sisters-
but whatever.

"min yoongi do you need to go to the nurse? what's with the heavy breathing?" mrs. kang asked startling me.

"me? no... I was trying to stay awake, uh, breathing deeply helps so..." I said some shit and smiled.

"okay then." she continued with the lesson.

I pretended to look at the board but looked at jimin instead.
he took out some type of notebook and wrote something there vigorously.

I tried getting a glimpse of what it was but he abruptly stopped and looked at me.



"what?" jimin asked.

"I am older than you, its hyung not yoongi." I mumbled.

"oh, okay then, yoongi-hyung why did you lie to the teacher?" jimin asked quietly.

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