♧ picture perfect ♧

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jimin wasn't just shocked, he was scared as well.

where did hoseok appear from?? it felt as if he was spying on jimin and decided to appear in the "perfect" time just to comfort him?

"h-hoseok, what are you doing here?" jimin asked looking at the older through his red and swollen eyes.

jimin knew that something wasn't right because hoseok almost never goes anywhere without his bodyguards and at the moment jimin saw none.

"I was just strolling through the park and suddenly saw you.... crying?" hoseok asked with concern.
"what happened?"

for some reason his voice was so soothing, it was as if he was talking to an upset child and jimin felt like telling everything to him just to get a shoulder to cry on.
that must have been a next level of manipulation.

jimin kept quiet since he was freaked out by hoseok's behaviour.
only a couple weeks ago hoseok looked like he had taken the human form of the most evil thing on earth and now... now he looked like jesus christ who came down from the skies to offer jimin his help.

"it's nothing, hoseok." jimin lied and looked away.

"I can see that something is wrong... I can help you if you tell me everything." hoseok asked hopefully. "want a drink?"

jimin's eyes lit up.
he would never say no to a drink.

"well...." jimin thought if he should agree or not. this is hoseok after all, who knows what tricks he has up his sleeves.

"come on, tell me what bothers you, darling." hoseok grabbed jimin's elbow gently and started leading him towards some road.

jimin didn't even have time to reject his proposal and hoseok already took it as a yes.

× × ×

hoseok really was a manipulator. he knew exactly what to do to make people open up to him. and, sadly, most of the times he used the information they gave him to ruin anything that was possible to ruin.
hoseok could ruin anything if he wanted to, actually.

since jimin still didnt open up to him, hoseok decided to take him to a bar and get him drunk.
what could a drunk jimin give hoseok?
well, everything he needed.

they got in the same black car they've been in before and drove off to some exquisite bar that turned out to be owned by hoseok.

jimin was a little surprised by how hoseok in such a young age was an owner of so many expensive things.
having rich parents really did pay off somehow.

as soon as the two entered the bar, the guards bowed down and greeted their boss.
they gave jimin and hoseok the best vip table out of all (of course) and brought a drink that hoseok had already ordered.

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