innocent [epilogue pt.2]

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the ambulance came shortly after hoseok stopped breathing and sadly they couldn't save him.
much to yoongi's and jimin's surprise, a lot of people came to hoseok's funeral. he turned out to have many friends from america.
his parents were in despair.

jimin and yoongi got married and adopted two beautiful little girls. after a while they got a boy and decided to name him hoseok.

jimin made it easier for yoongi and over some time yoongi eventually forgot about a young boy whom he fell in love with on a sunny spring day, he forgot his soft eyes, he forgave him everything he'd ever done.

but he remembered his smile. and he kept it inside his heart until his last days.


well, whew!
that was a rollercoaster, wasn't it?

I'm glad I am finally done with this book and I probably have to apologize for ending it on a sad note.

so, I am sorry. ♡

thank you for reading my story!
follow me and read my other stories, please ♡ ♡ ♡


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