♧ pleasures ♧

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let's just say that yoongi didnt end it on one glass, he drank the entire bottle of liquor. the liquor was obviously hella expensive and very strong.


yoongi didnt want to remember anything from today's night and he knew that getting drunk will help him forget.

alcohol is interesting...
you drink it to celebrate, you drink it to mourn. you drink it when you're happy and also when you're sad. you drink it to remember the good times and you drink it to forget...

hoseok looked at yoongi the entire time without saying a single word. who knows what was going on in the mind of that psychopath.
yoongi on the other side felt absolutely great after downing an entire liquor bottle.

yoongi was in a blur. everything seemed just fine, after the alcohol intoxicated him; he laughed at almost every little thing.

the car ride was finally over and so was the rain.
as the two stepped out of the car a gust of fresh, moist air hit them.
yoongi almost fainted from it, as if he got a hyperoxia seizure. (oxygen overdosing)

hoseok helped him stand on his feet and brought him inside his house.

couple of housemaids that worked for hoseok ran up and took their upper layer of clothes to put them in the closet.

"prepare the bath, please." hoseok commanded one of the housemaids as she bowed down and disappeared somewhere in the tall corridors.

after that little intake of fresh air yoongi's mind cleared up. he hoped that hoseok wouldn't want to fuck someone who was that drunk but he guessed it didn't work on him.
yoongi actually took alcohol quite well.

hoseok led him to his bedroom and sat him down on the bed.
yoongi flopped his upper half into the soft cushions as his legs still touched the floor.
"let me go." yoongi whispered to no one in particular, hoseok was busy changing out of his clothes.

"okay, go." hoseok murmured and chuckled in the end.

"yeah right, you won't let me, I know that."

"ahhaha, you know me too well, honey."

"sadly, I do."

yoongi starred at the ceiling the whole time and suddenly he saw hoseok who crawled on top of him with his hands trapping yoongi between the bed and hoseok himself.

"you think drinking will help you forget?" hoseok smiled slightly. "a waste of good liquor... but maybe not... you look very beautiful like this. your eyes change color when you get drunk?"

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