One ~ Chain

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When Alec opened his eyes, it took him a while, to realize that he wasn't at the institute.

The room was dark and only the moon, shining through a small window, could bring a little light into the scenery. Alec felt as if he had slept for a very long time.

He wanted to rub the sand out of his eyes but it wasn't possible. His hands were in chains and so were his feet. It was, in fact, pretty impossible for him to move at all. He wondered how he had been able to sleep in this uncomfortable position.

Alec Lightwood was not supposed to be scared. Emotions cloud judgement. That's what he had learned. He had always thought that this mantra spoke about the dangers of falling in love but Hodge, his guardian, had explained that it also considered fear and insecurities.

If you let the fear get in your head, your thoughts will just become a huge mess, you won't be able to think straight and acting appropriate to a situation will be impossible.

He had learned not to fear anything. He didn't fear fighting demons anyway, he was just scared for Izzy, Jace and even for Max, even though the little boy wasn't even allowed to leave the institute by himself yet.

That's the curse of a big brother, he thought.

When he thought of his siblings now, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach.
Where they looking for him?
Had they even noticed his disappearance?
For how long had he been sleeping?

At least they are safe.

Considering that, Alec didn't exactly feel fear, when he woke up in this new strange room, chained to the wall.

He remembered taking a walk in the evening to get some fresh air, when he had suddenly felt a presence. He cursed himself now for not paying enough attention to the feeling. Just a drunk mundane on the way home, he had thought.

He had realized his mistake after he saw some blue, sparkling light out of the corner of his eyes. Then, the world had started spinning and the last thing he could remember were strong arms, catching him before his unconscious body reached the ground and some yellow, catlike eyes who had stared at him.

Those eyes had followed him in his dreams.

There was a loud sound, coming from outside. It rumbled, like someone was heading down a staircase.

My cell is in a basement, Alec concluded.

You couldn't really call it a cell. The only thing that made it feel like that, was the fact that Alec was tied up. The rest of the room was quite normal. Wooden floors, a little table with flowers in the corner and a quite comfortable looking bed on the other side of the room.

If only I could reach it, he thought bitterly.

There even was a small bathroom, Alec sighed relieved. He also noticed a big picture of a cat just above him, with green, intense eyes, staring down at him.

What a weirdo kidnapped me? Well, seems like I'm about to find out.

He heard the sound of a key chain, the man on the other side of the door seemed to struggle, finding the right key. A clicking sound appeared and the door swung open. Alec tried to prepare for what was going to happen.

His kidnapper was probably a werewolf, considering the animal like eyes. He pictured a desperate and sinister looking, big muscle kind of guy, who was really lonely and only loved his cat.

Chained (Malec) ✓Where stories live. Discover now