Eight ~ Closer

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He had been so close. Magnus had felt something that he hadn't felt in decades.
This is bad.
He knew that but he couldn't stop feeling this way about his little Lightwood.

He had allowed Alec to come up and use his shower, he wanted to be nice. He still felt bad because of everything the Shadowhunter was going through, because of him.

He heard the water running and wondered what Alec would look like under his leather jacket and grey shirt.
Stop it!

Magnus put some of his own cloth out for Alec and laid it on the bed. A nice cherry red shirt, underwear and some comfortable black pyjama pants. (it wasn't like Alec was going to leave the house).

He thought about removing the shirt and just give him the pants, when the he heard the bathroom door open. Alec came out, with a towel around his waist. Magnus just had to stare. Alec definitely noticed his staring and.. did he smile?

"You have some clothes for me?" The Nephilim asked and looked expectantly at Magnus who had been just standing there and staring.

He blinked

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He blinked."Yes." He gave him the shirt and the pants and then left the room so he could change, what a pity he had to leave.

When Alec was dressed, he started to explore Magnus' loft. Magnus sat on the couch and followed him with his eyes around. The cherry red just looked adorable on him. He should give him the shirt, it looked much better on him than on himself.
Everything would look good on Alec.

"You have a mini bar, wow!" Alec said and inspected Magnus's variety of alcohol.

"You want some?" Magnus offered and started wondering what Alec's drink might be. Was he more of a Pina Colada or a Virgin Mojito?

"No thanks, I don't drink" Alec simply said, surprising Magnus a little bit but he gave an accepting nod.

"Do you like my apartment?" Magnus asked, so the silence between them wouldn't get uncomfortable.

"Actually, yes." Alec smiled and his whole face lit up. Magnus could get used to this view. "It feels much more homey than my room at the institute." He confessed. "For how long have you been here?"

That was a hard question, Magnus had to think about it for a little while. "At least half a century" he finally said and Alec looked at him, shocked.

"You do know that we Warlocks are immortal, don't you?"

"Yes, I just .. sort of forgot it .. you seem so.. young."

Magnus gave him a huge smile. "I'm flattered, Alexander. People call me a lot of things but 'young' normally isn't one of them."

"Well, take it as a compliment" Alec simply answered and Magnus felt butterflies in his stomach.
What are you? Sixteen?

A loud 'meow' came out of one of the guest rooms.

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