Ship Names

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Alec couldn't remember whose horrible idea it had been to go on a double date, probably Clary's. So he found himself sitting next to Magnus in a restaurant, facing Jace and his girlfriend.

At first it was quite nice actually. They were laughing a lot, mainly about Magnus's stories and when the food arrived Alec forgot his regrets to come here.

Then it got really awkward because Jace started to tell Magnus embarrassing childhood stories about Alec. Like how he used to cry when the institute's cat Church would bring a mouse, or how he always had to hold Jace's hand when he was speaking to their trainer because he had been too scared to face him.

"That is just adorable." Magnus said and kept looking at Alec with a smile. That was worth it, Alec thought.

"So, have you guys heard of Shipnames?" Clary asked when their deserts finally arrived.

"Duh.." Jace said  "If I had a ship I would name it 'red Clary'". Clary laughed and rolled her eyes. "I'd sail through the world with it so everyone could see it's an amazing shipname!"

"If I had one" Magnus said in a serious tone "I would name it 'the gorgeous little Lightwood'" They broke into laughter and Alec's face got dark red.

"No, you guys.." Clary said and tried to stop laughing "I don't mean an actual ship. You call something a ship if there a two people who you want  to end up together, to become a couple. So for example if you want me and Magnus to become a couple you'd say 'oh yeah, I ship it'"

Alec and Jace both looked disturbed and disgusted. "I don't ship it" they said at the same time.

"See, you got it" Clary laughed.

"And what's with the name?" Jace asked, intrigued to know.

"It's just a shortcut for the couple. You take some letters from each name and put them together. You guys for example" she pointed towards Alec and Magnus.

"Izzy and I already have a shipname for you."

"Why would we need one?" Alec asked "We're already a couple.."

"Yeah but it's just easier.. It's exhausting to use your full names all the time.. you see I don't want to say: oh there's Alec and Magnus making out, oh look how adorable Alec and Magnus are, oh Alec and Magnus shoving their love into our faces again..."

Magnus grinned "So you call us what then? Alecnus? Magnalec? Magnusander?" Jace started to laugh so hard that he almost choked on his cheesecake. Clary had to pet him gently on the back.

"Magnusander.." he managed to say and tears of laughter formed in his eyes.

"That's all still too long." Clary explained.

"So, what you say instead?" Alec asked, now he was getting interested.

"It's Malec." She said.

"Yeah I like that." Magnus nodded " short and crisp.

Alec grimaced. "Whatever makes you weird people happy..."

"So what's ours?" Jace asked

"Jary?" Alec suggested

"That just sounds like a sad guy who's living in his moms basement.." Jace said a bit sad.

"It's Clace babe." Clary said and grinned at him. "That's actually really sweet." He smiled and they started to kiss and didn't stop.

Magnus looked at Alec who raised an eyebrow. "Who's shoving their love into faces now?" he mumbled.

Magnus cleared his throat "Excuse us" he stood up and took Alec's hand "Malec.." He emphasized the shipname with extra care " gonna go, get some alone time now."

Clary and Jace didn't seem to notice. Jace started to kiss Clary's neck and she giggled and blushed.

"Clace is pretty disgusting" Alec said and let his boyfriend drag him outside.

"Not as cute as we are for sure" Magnus replied as they walked home to his apartment.

"Nobody is" Alec smirked and started to kiss his boyfriend. His boyfriend. He still couldn't quite believe that he got to call him that. Who would have known that after all this drama they had managed to find back to each other. The angels must care for him after all.

They didn't quite manage to reach Magnus's apartment because they ended up making out on the street. This was a common problem that they had. Alec used to get disgusted by those couples who just couldn't stop touching each other but now he understood.

It felt like every second that he wasn't in Magnus's arms was a wasted one. He couldn't even imagine how life without Magnus had been and he hoped that he would never have to experience it again.

All he felt was pure happiness. Pure love.


Little fluffy-funny bonus chapter xD hope you enjoyed

That's it guys! ❤️ see u around 🥰

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