Six ~ Friends

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When Magnus entered his loft... (sry not sry)

 (sry not sry)

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...he realized that Catarina had left. He couldn't blame her. He had acted irresponsible and nonsensical. But he didn't regret it. He got to keep the little Lightwood for one more day, that was worth it.

Magnus sat down on his couch and thought about Alec. He had seriously started to flirt with him.

I like your glitter.
You would still be beautiful without all that. When was the last time that someone had called him beautiful? Camille? No, she had never complimented him. She had just used him for her own pleasure. It was a long time ago since someone, other than himself, had called him that.

Don't be stupid Magnus, he just wants you to let him go.
Of course he did. He was a Lightwood, he knew how to manipulate his way through life.

But he's not like that.

"Oh, shut up!" Magnus said loudly to himself. Well, if the little Lightwood wanted to play, he would play. If he already got complimented why not enjoy it and have a little fun.

His phone buzzed and he saw that Catarina had texted him.

I'll be at yours tomorrow at 2pm.

He let out a long sigh. So few hours left with Alec. The sun was already hiding behind the city buildings. He couldn't face Alec again today, it was just too confusing. So he just whispered a little spell to ensure that Alec would have dinner.

He undressed and put on a silk pyjama. With a flicker of his fingers he removed his make-up and stared at himself in the mirror. Magnus didn't like himself without make-up and glitter. He felt exposed, as if he wasn't save anymore.

You would still be beautiful without all that.

This man had to stop sneaking into his head.


He got woken up by the buzzing sound of his phone, it was Catarina again.

Magnus! Have you heard?

Heard what?

He sat up in bed and felt instantly awake. What had happened? It was 6 in the morning and Catarina normally slept even longer than he did.

The Lightwoods made an officially statement about the disappearance of their son!
You seriously sent them a sinister looking message about trading Alec for Raphael? And you put a winking smiley on there?!

He had indeed. He couldn't see what was wrong with that.

Yup. What else did they say?

They said they have to think about it. Can you believe that Magnus? He is their son and they are considering not to take the deal. For the safety of their people, or something. They also said that Alec's siblings have been looking for him since his disappearance and they almost checked the whole city. It's only a matter of time before they show up at yout place. You're quite famous...

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