Twelve ~ Trust

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They went to the park and arrived just in time. Magnus put a small invisibility spell on myself and waited in some distance, close enough to see and hear what happened but far enough that nobody could sense his presence. Invisibility spells worked flawlessly with mundanes but shadowhunters could sometimes sense that there was someone hiding.

Magnus was scared of what would happen. He wasn't completely sure if Alec would stand by his word. Well, he hadn't really promised it. What if Alec would be healed from his Stockholm symptoms as soon as he would see his family? He would get dragged back to reality and realize that his feelings for the warlock just had been a dream.

Magnus would see about eight shadowhunters, all armed to the teeth. He saw Clary, Jace and Isabelle standing together, whispering. Next to them he saw Maryse and Robert Lightwood, tensed up and waiting. Behind them with a little distance there were three more Shadowhunters, ready to interfere, probably from the clave.

Alec approached the group. Izzy let out a scream of relief and ran to him but Alec stopped her. "No Izzy! You can't touch me." He said. "What, why?" Izzy asked and took a few steps back. "I drank a potion. No one can touch or take me. " he said a little bit louder so the warriors in the back could hear him.

"Clever." Robert said and his cold voice gave Alec shivers.

"Alec, are you okay?" Maryse asked, at least she seemed to be relieved to see her son healthy.

"Yeah I'm fine" Alec said.

"What happened buddy?" Jace asked and stepped closer to examine Alec and make sure that he didn't have any bruises.

"I went out for a walk when I was taken, I woke up in a cell."

Magnus snorted quietly. Cell? Come on Alec, I gave you flowers!

"Taken by whom?" Jace asked. All eyes were fixed on Alec. He seemed uncomfortable in his skin but remained silence.

"Alec, honey. What's wrong?" Maryse asked. "Just tell us who kidnapped you or  is there another spell on you?" His mother asked.

Alec shook his head.

"Then just tell us, we will take care of it and you can finally come back home."

"What makes you think I want to come home." Alec replied sharply.

"Alec..." His mother hadn't expected that and seemed hurt.

She is his mother after all Magnus thought and felt sympathy for her.

"You had to think about saving me for way to long, mom." Alec said and Magnus realized that he must have a lot of anger bottled up inside him. It all seemed to burst out.

 "Your son gets kidnapped and the first thing you thought about was probably how that's going to look to the public

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"Your son gets kidnapped and the first thing you thought about was probably how that's going to look to the public. Did I put the family name in danger?"

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