Twenty-one ~ Panic

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"Jace, no." Alec ran after his brother who had already entered and stood now in front of the sinister looking man.

"Hey you weirdo! He said and the man looked up from his plate. He looks like count Dracula, Alec thought. He had dark hair with an outdated haircut, black eyes and bushy eyebrows, he was tall and muscular and his overall appearance was authoritative and scary.

"May I help you?" his voice was deep and had a thoughtful tone to it.

"You may" Jace said "We have reason to believe that you killed several mundanes, in order to get Raphael out of the way.."

Alec couldn't believe Jace, did he really think that man was stupid enough to tell him anything.

"And if I would have?"

Oh, apparently he was. Go Jace.

"Well.." the blonde seemed a bit confused that he had gotten the confirmation so quickly "Then you'll have to come with us!" he activated his seraph blade and went in fight position.

The man just laughed drily. "You can't proof it, Shadowhunter. I did it very, very good and you won't find anything that would lead you to me. Also If someone asks about this masterpiece tell them it was Mortecai." He made a little bow .

Alec realized that the man didn't tell them all that because he was stupid, he told them because he was proud of it. He wanted to get some credit for his horrible actions. However, this could end fatal for him. They could use it for their advantage.

"I will tell the clave that it was Mortecai." Jace said drily.

"Oh you stupid Nephilim, you still don't get it" he smiled "The clave doesn't care who did it. They just want to punish one of us and who would be better to set an example for their power than Raphael Santiago, the leader of the clan. Ex-leader, poor boy."

Alec knew that he was right and he hated him for that.

"We'll make them care" Jace said with a strong voice. "You come with us." He took a step forward to make Mortecai come with them violently when Alec suddenly realized that the shop had gone oddly quiet. He turned and found himself faced with about thirteen vampires.

"I don't think so.." Mortecai said and smiled "Now I suggest that you leave."

They wouldn't have a chance against the vampires so Alec quickly grabbed Jace's arm dragged him outside before Jace could do anything stupid.

The white-haired vampire had vanished and Alec wondered if he would ever see him again. He desparetly wanted to know how he knew his warlock.

Your warlock?! Now you're getting ridiculous. Shut up.

(just had to put this piece of gold in here ;) see it as an Alec that only exists in his head to discuss his feelings with himself

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(just had to put this piece of gold in here ;) see it as an Alec that only exists in his head to discuss his feelings with himself .. :D )

"Damn it." Jace muttered and looked at Alec "Sorry we didn't get him and where's s that vampire?!"

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