Ten ~ Plans

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Magnus was unable to move. He could just stand there and watch Alec. Alec, who was crying, Alec, who was breaking down in front of him. All that, because of what he had said. This was his fault. You are sick.

He didn't know a lot about the syndrome. After he had realized he just had to get out, away from Alec. He couldn't stand being around the shadowhunter. He just wanted Alec to be gone. No, you don't. He had taken a walk around Brooklyn to order his thoughts. But it hadn't helped.

He could just ignore it. He could just be happy with Alec and put the fact aside that Alec wasn't really feeling what he thought he does. But he had lived so long that he knew, the short period of happiness wasn't worth the years of pain that would follow. The only thing he could do was getting rid of Alec as soon as possible and then forget that he had ever existed. In order to 'cure' Alec he also had to stop being nice to him. Maybe if he would show Alec the cold shoulder he would see him as what he was. His kidnapper.

Alec looked so broken, as he sat there on the floor with his hands covering his eyes. His whole body was shaking. Magnus didn't understand what was happening. Was that some kind of side effect from the syndrome? Did Alec even understand what he had meant? He wanted to explain it to him, because it seemed like Alec had a complete wrong impression. He couldn't quite figure out what was on Alec's mind.

He tried to recap what had happened. Alec had kissed him again, it had been like heaven but with a bitter taste to it. Magnus had stayed strong and pushed him away. That must have hurt. Even though he was controlled by his illness, he was attracted to Magnus. It must feel like an actual rejection to him. Then he had said the three words that had caused Alec's breakdown.

You are sick. His tone must have been harsh and cold. He had immediately regretted it. Seeing Alec like this broke him just as much.

All of a sudden Magnus realized his mistake, what he had said, and what it had meant to Alec. Alec must have been hiding from himself and his parents for so long and then he had opened up to Magnus. He had made himself vulnerable. With their first kiss, he had showed Magnus a part of his soul. And Magnus had deceived him.

He put a hand over his mouth, shocked about what he had done

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He put a hand over his mouth, shocked about what he had done. He tried to think, tried to find a way to fix it.

"No, I didn't mean.."

"Just kill me." Alec whispered

Magnus could almost hear his heart shattering.

"No, Alexander.. I didn't mean it that way." He walked to Alec, crouched down and put his arms around the tall man. It was the only thing that felt right to do. Alec didn't move. Magnus took Alec's face in his hands and looked him in the eyes but Alec had his fixed on the floor.

"There is nothing wrong with you" Magnus whispered. Finally Alec looked up. His beautiful eyes were a bit red and swollen, but there was still that spark in them, that had fascinated Magnus from the beginning. He hugged him again. This time Alec put his arms around Magnus back and sobbed into his shoulder.

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