Twenty-nine ~ to Magnus

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When Alec opened his eyes, it took him a while, to realize that he wasn't at the institute.

He felt strong arms wrapped around him and when he looked up he saw the most beautiful face in the world. He realized that he was lying in Magnus's bed, with his head resting on his chest. The warlock was still asleep.

Alec stared at him for a while and tried to recall how he had ended here. He had drunken a little bit too much which gave him a headache now.

His memories weren't a hundred percent clear, he couldn't quite figure out if he had really jumped into a jar of glitter or if he had dreamed it. He hoped it had been a dream.

What he knew, hadn't been one was kissing Magnus in the basement. It had been too amazing to be a dream. He smiled to himself.

He also remembered a man flirting with Magnus and himself throwing up after that.

Great. But this man didn't end up in Magnus's bed with him. I did, so it's alright.

But how? He couldn't recall but who cared anyways, the result was good.

Magnus started moving restlessly and Alec got up to give him some space. The warlock turned around and rolled up, like a cat. Alec couldn't stop himself from laughing, there was a reason why the cat eyes were his mark.

Alec managed to break away from Magnus's gorgeousness and decided to surprise the warlock with breakfast.

He took a shower and tried to be extra quiet in order not to wake him. Magnus's shampoo was something else. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but it smelled just incredible and he wished he could save some for himself just to smell it when he missed the warlock.

 He couldn't quite put his finger on it but it smelled just incredible and he wished he could save some for himself just to smell it when he missed the warlock

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He had slept in the same green shirt which he had worn to the party. Alec decided that Magnus wouldn't mind if he would borrow some cloth from him.

He opened the closet and was left in shock. It was a massive colour and glitter explotion that almost hurt his eyes, the warlock had way too many cloths for one man. He managed to find some quite normal looking dark green sweat pants but couldn't find a plain black shirt.

He went for one with glitter letters on it that said: 'eat glitter for breakfast and shine all day!' Maybe that would make Magnus smile.

He went to the kitchen and checked in Magnus's cupboards for ingredients. He couldn't make pancakes, Magnus would hate them since the ones he made were amazing and Alec's pancakes would  probably be, on a good day, average, on a bad, disaster.

The shadowhunter started to feel a little bit overwhelmed. It was a stupid Idea, making breakfast fo a warlock who was the breakfast king himself. But he wanted to do something for him, so he brushed his concerns away and decided to make eggs and bacon, what could go wrong there, right?

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