Chapter One

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You know that couple that has been together since middle school? They act like best friends but kiss and hold hands. Well, that's me, I've been with Xavier for nearly four years now, junior year is just about to end and senior year is just around the corner when this story begins, but let's explain our relationship a little more.

We're that couple that plays sports goes to all of each others games or meets, and is the loudest of them all. We got each others backs through thick and thin, we are what our friends call, an old married couple. We laugh an cry well watching movies, and we stick our tongues out at each other when we are annoyed.

Honestly I could never get sick of him. He's my world, my rock, my person. He makes people a little easier to handle, he helps make my emotions stable. He's the guy I've vowed to marry, this isn't no silly teen love story, this is ever growing love.

But enough about that, me spilling my undying love for my boyfriend isn't what you came here for. You came here to hear our story.

Let's just... start from the beginning.


"Woooohoooo!!! We are seniors baby!!!" I scream as I sprint my way out the door, Xavier not far behind me. I scream out in surprise as he grabs my legs and throws them over his shoulders. The smile that spreads across my face beaming over at him, he chuckles and gives me a soft peck as he struts his way to my car.

He slides my feet back to the pavement just as our best friend dashes out the schools doors, he screams some incoherent words as he makes his way to us. I can't help but to laugh at the ridiculous face plastered on him, his big toothy grin an dimples making him look five.

"Adrian!! It's summer!! Let's hit the pool, or wait! Letssss hit that party up later!!" I shout out with excitement. The boys just laugh at me as I jump around spilling ideas out my mouth.

"Actually, I have date!" His eyes twinkle slightly as the words leave his mouth, my mouth drops in surprise. Adrian!? Having a date!?! I can barely hold myself up and Xavier has to lend a hand to keep me from falling.

I congratulate him along with Xavier, I turn to my love asking for a stay in movie night. Luckily, neither of our summer practices start till Monday so we have the weekend free. He agrees that we both are too antisocial for a party, so we wave good bye and wish him luck, as we jump in my jeep to head over to his house.

I toss him my phone, and ask him to text my mother, telling her I'm going to stay at his place for a while. As he starts to hand my phone back an alarm goes off reminding me to take my birth control, I ask for him to unbury the bottle from my purse. He does so willingly handing me the pills an my hydro, he gives me a small smirk, to which I roll my eyes too. If he thinks he's going to get lucky to night I might just cry I'm laughing so hard.

I pull up to his house, no cars in the driveway, we just shrug our shoulders and make our way to the door. He shuffles through the assorted things in his shorts pockets till he finally pulls the key out. As the door swings open he sweeps his hands to the side an says in his best British accent, "Ladies first," I erupt into a fit of laughter as I make my way through the front door.

His house is lived in for sure, family photos strung up everywhere to hoodies and cups left on tables and chairs. It makes me smile as I see photos of me and him on his desk.

The picture captures one of the best moments, we had decided we wanted to go hiking with Adrian during the fall, sadly Adrian had just stumbled down his stairs leading him to have a bright pink cast preventing him from going hiking, so we took a good friend of mine named, Jay, she took a photo of me and him on the back of my jeep shortly after we arrived at this beautiful waterfall hike. I smile at the memory, it was a pretty mellow day, but it was amazing nonetheless.

My smile grows when Xavier's hands loop around my waist, him then putting his head on my shoulder, I then feel his smile flutter against my neck as he looks over at the picture I was subtly staring at. "That's one of my favorite memories together, you know that?" I glance over at him, grazing my lips across his head.

I smile a little wider and explain to him how much I wanted to do it again, have a nice hiking day out once again. Specially now that it was summer, and I knew some good beach hikes. We continue the talk of another hike as we make our way up to his room. Once we sit down on his bed I'm already planning our next hike, thinking through the days we are both off and not busy on a trip. Trying to figure out the perfect trail to take him on.

Well in mid thought he pulled out a movie and tried to put in, luckily I got a hold of it before he could. "What do you think you are doing?!? This isn't Marley and me!? Xavier do you know me at all!?" He puts his arms up immediately to then start to rummage around for the movie. I laugh at him and give him a kiss, making sure he knew I was kidding. We exchange a few laughs before I head down stairs to make us some popcorn.

Well I'm down stairs I once again a reminder to take my birth control once more, so I drag my feet over to my bag an dig the bottle out. I pop another one of the pills down my throat a wash it down with some sunny-d. When the timer goes off in pretty much sprinting to his bed, my excitement rolling off of me in waves as I dash into bed. I'm munching on popcorn when he kisses me lightly moving me to his lap. I smile up at him and cuddle closer as I continue to watch the movie.

When end credits start to roll I can't help the few tears the escape my eyes, I look over to see him completely bawling and I hold back a laugh as I kiss his cheeks and hold him tight explaining that everything is alright.

"Love, the movies over, it's ok *kiss* here, come here love" I hold him tight as he whimpers softly, "oh, sweet boy, it's ok" I keep rocking him back and forth barely holding my laughter back.

"You know what will make me feel better," he mumbles into my chest as I run my fingers through his hair, I ask him what that is an he gives me a little cheeky smirk in response, "if you would give me a kiss, right here" he says pointing to his lips, I giggle at his childish behavior, but who could resist those lips.

What starts out as a quick little peck quickly turns to a heated make out session. My teeth run along his bottom lip, my tongue soothing it as I go. He licks my lip, practically begging for entry, but I'm a little tease I just smile into the kiss, making him groan out in desperation. Finally I let loose, he quickly takes action slipping his tongue past my swollen lips, our tongues play a little game of tag as our hands dance across each other's bodies.

His hand under my shirt, running up and down my sides, I'm quivering with anticipation as his hands barley slide past my waist band. My hands are doing their own thing as they fumble with the hem of his shirt. But, before I can get it off, we hear the garage door open and we untangle ourselves as fast as possible. We mess with our hair and clothes trying to make us look as normal as possible.

"Xavier!! Are you home!! Is Ella with you?!" We hear his mom ask from down stairs. We both walk out of his room holding the popcorn bowl and candy bars we had rounded up. She lets out a little chuckle and waves us away telling us to be good. As we make our way back to his room we hear the garage door open and close once more and our gazes meet. The food long forgotten, and the bed calling our names. We quickly get back to where we were at, our lips swollen and our shirts being thrown different directions. It's not long before we are only left in our undergarments, but our hands are already doing their jobs.

He stops real quick muttering about a condom as he speeds off to his closet. I giggle slightly as he rushes back to bed, finishing what he started. Once we have both showered and changed, me taking one of his sweats and just putting my tank top back on, we lay together holding each other tight as we whisper sweet nothings into our ears, our favorite songs playing softly in the background.

Hi guys, I've been really into these books lately and decided that I should try and write one myself, tell me what you think and give me feed back!!

Thank you, MadisonMarie

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