Chapter Three

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It's Monday now, first day of summer practice. I'm still not feeling good, after the whole thing that happened Sunday morning. But Xavier was positive I wasn't pregnant.

I rolled out of bed that morning not feeling to hot, I jumped in the shower, making sure I shaved and washed my face. My hair doesn't matter to much since I washed it yesterday. I get out and wrap a fluffy white towel around myself as I reach for my moisturizer making sure to get under my eyes. I roll my eyes as I run my brush through my tangles and knotted hair. I continue to dry off as I walk into my room putting on my Nike pro shorts and a Nike sports bra. I lace my shoes up, and put my hair up in a pony tail. I pull on one of Xavier's lax hoodies and go down stairs, I grab my water bottle and a banana as I make my way to my car.

When I get in I call Xavier up putting him on speaker as I back up. When he answers I scream, "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!" He lets out a shout as he falls off his bed, and I can't keep the laughter at bay as I switch lanes. He mumbles a few curse words as he crawls back up on the creaking mattress.

"Well good morning to you too," he mumbles, I laugh a little, asking him how he slept, and if he had any dreams. To my surprise he actually remembers one of his dreams.

In this dream of his he was in a magical castle, it was surrounded by big jungle trees with vines as long as 50ft!! He decided he wanted to try and be Tarazan, so he started swing acrossed the vines screaming about himself being an ape. (Honestly, sounds like him). He started to near this huge tree that had this big cave in the tree!! He was so excited an he started to run to the cave, but then everything flipped upside down so he was walking on the.... ceiling/floor? But in his dream it seemed normal, so he kept walking. When he made it into the cave itself he was frozen by surprise.

It was his dream colleges stadium, but the walls were lined with everything a lacrosse player could ask for, the top of the line gear, ( he got specific, but I forgot the names). He started to gear up when all of his favorite teams started to shout his name, he was making shot after shot. I was screaming an cheering!! He told me he had been walking over to me when I had woken him up.

He has quite the imagination, I laughed at his silly little dream, he got all sad about that and did the whole hmph thing were he decides he doesn't want to talk. I apologize, telling him I'll give him the biggest kiss when I see him next, but that he needs to get read for team camp and I need to get out of my car. So we say our goodbyes and I love you's as we hang up.

I finally get out of the car, grabbing my water bottle and slipping his hoodie off. I jog over to the turf field and start doing warm ups. Coach explains what each exercise does and he gives examples for the freshman, then he calls mileage kids up, I groan as I get to my feet, he laughs at me, asking if he interrupted my beauty sleep. I smirk back at him telling, coach, that he did in fact. Everybody laughed a little as I reached the group. He told us our morning run and we set off.

I went slower then normal, I was defiantly keeping up with more of the middle mileage kids, but I was going much slower then normal, honestly it annoyed me. After our two mile warm up he sent me and a few other girls out of a four mile run. I couldn't figure out why I felt the need to go slower, but every time I tried to speed up my body resisted. I was getting more and more angry with myself, that by the time we got back to the school I had tears threatening to spill.

I sucked it up though, I finished the run and workouts, still not feeling 100%, and left to go shower and change for work.

I put on some shorts and a button up and my birks.

I smile at my reflection, and top the look off with some light curls

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I smile at my reflection, and top the
look off with some light curls. I put my
name tag on and rush out the door
making sure I'm not late.

I work in a small cafe, I'm the chick that hands your coffee out and makes it. It's a cute little cafe, not too well known, so you normally see the same old people.

Well on break today everybody was discussing the birth control outbreak. Some said they used the brand but there bottles didn't have the same code, or there bottles were older. People asked me about it, and I just shrugged and said I didn't know where my package was. Everyone gave me looks of sympathy, and I had to look away. Not being able to deal with that right now.

I went back out to clean tables, sweep a little, and just tidy up. I didn't want to have to deal with their sympathetic looks. As I'm cleaning table 5 I see a horrific sight, my mom is across the street kissing another guy, but not just kissing, like full tongue and all. I watched as they pulled apart and she smiles and takes his hand.

I run to the bathroom, I sprint hands out flailing about at my sides. I get in the bathrooms and I barely make it to the toilets before I throw up. I wipe my mouth but I have another round of puke. My hands are shaky as I make my way to the sink, having to use it as support as I look at myself.

I look slightly sickly, probably from lack of sleep and stress. My hair is oily as all hell, my under eyes are yellow and puffy. My lips are cracked and peeling, I lick them to try and make it better, only making it worse.

I shake myself out of it, rinsing my mouth out, putting my hair up. I shake myself back into the now, deciding that I will confront my mom about it later. I take the shaky steps out of the bathroom, I make my way to my manager, telling her what happened and she said she will pay me with sick leave. I thank her and collect my stuff. I wish everybody good bye as I make my way to my car.

I see her again, with the same guy, she's climbing out of his sleek black Tesla SUV, her hair a mess and her make up smudged. She is buttoning up her blouse when she notices me, he had just come back around and is holding her waist. She hasn't moved, she looks horrified.

I quickly get into my car and start it up, I'm backing out when I hear her start to call my name. I don't listen, I just drive, where too I'm not sure, but where ever it is, it's know where near that cheating, lying, bitch.

Hi guys!
How do y'all feel about that?? Cheating mom? Ooooo things getting a little out of hands now. Secrets are being spilled left and right.

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