Chapter Thirty Seven

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I got home from the office later than normal, I ended up working a extra hour. Blake promised me a cash paycheck for the hour because even a twenty helps.

When I walk through the door there lays Xavier, it looks like he fell asleep waiting for me. I give him a kiss before walking to the bathroom.

I start a bath, with vanilla and lavender essential oils added. I swirl the hot water around waiting impatiently for the tub to fill up.

Once the tub is almost full I take my time undressing. Walking from the door to the tub, dropping clothes as I go.

I lay in the water, my music plays in the background as I lay my head back. I hear a muffled pop sound, and I immediately shoot up.

"I think my water just broke." I say to myself.

"Fuck" I lay my head back down. Deciding since I haven't felt any real contractions I'm going to take a shower.

I drain all the water, and start the shower, taking my sweet time. I exfoliate my scalp, and body. Wash my hair and face, I even shave my legs and armpits.

Once I'm out I dry off completely, then do my skin routine.

"Ok Ella, you might to hurry up because the contractions are getting a little more intense." I say as I feel another contraction coming on.

I swipe my arm over the counter, dragging my skin stuff into an old make up bag before I waddle to my room.

I pull on a pair of my oversized sweats, not wanting to ruin Xavier's, than a sports bra and one of Xavier's zip up jackets.

I check on Indie, making sure she's asleep and has food and water, hopefully we will be back by later tonight but I'll text Mrs.Wilson to check on Indie.

As I'm brushing through my hair another contraction hit and I have to take deep breaths slowly trying not to make to much noise. I grab the last minute things like phone chargers and laptops. I put all this stuff in a pile by the door before finally waking Xavier.

"Baby?" I whisper in his ear.

"Hm?" His eyes are still closed, he's not even awake.

I give him a kiss before whispering in his ear again, "My water broke." He opens one eye.

"Are you joking?" He asks, clearly confused, specially since I'm only thirty six weeks pregnant.

"Babe, I'm not kidding now help me take this shit to the car." He jumps up, practically screaming with excitement as he grabs almost the whole pile before barreling out the door. I grab the remaining back pack and laugh as I follow him.

He's thrown everything in the back seat and is already in the car, drivers side of course.  I think he's more excited to go than me.

"Ok I'm going to call Blake let me him know I'm taking leave and that we are on our way to the hospital, and I'm going to call to call Jane letting her know I'm taking leave as well." Xavier nods as I start dialing numbers.

"Hello?" I hear Blake grumbly voice on the other side.

"Hey Blake, I'm calling to let you know I'm taking my leave now, I'm currently on my way to the hospital." I say, trying to be as professional as possible even though I want to scream with delight.

"Holy shit! Well good luck! I expect to see this Kid! Send me a picture!" I laugh and say ok before moving on to my next call.

"Hey Jane! Just wanted to let you know I'm taking leave now! On my way to the hospital!" I hear her scream on the other end and she starts speaking gibberish, the only parts I hear are "good luck" and "adios" before the calls ended.

"Ok then." Xavier side glances at me, resting his hand on my thigh.

"You excited baby?" He asks as he turns onto the freeway. I shrug and fiddle with my promise ring Xavier gave me freshman year.

"I'm nervous, but I'm also very excited." He smiles at me, giving my thigh a little squeeze.

"You will do great baby, trust me." I laugh, but just than another contraction hits and I have to start doing breathing exercises once more. Luckily Xavier stays relatively calm through it all in freaking out for a minute when it first started.

Finally we pull into the hospital parking lot, I tell him to leave everything but the phone chargers for now and we head in.

As we step into the hospital another contraction hits, they are getting closer and closer together, these ones are probably two or three minutes apart and it's starting to get really intense.

They ask us what's going on and we tell them, they don't rush us like expected, instead they hand us some paper work to fill out real quick and make me sit in a wheelchair.

After the papers are all filled out the wheel us into a birthing room and let us know our doctor is here and will be delivering our baby, which we are so thankful for.

They help put me in a gown well Xavier calls his mom, which she says she'll be right over. Once the gown is on they put my feet up in these stirrup kind of things and check how dilated I am.

"About eight centimeters, two more to go so we will probably start in thirty minutes, if not, then anywhere around that time." She smiles and I thank her, so for the time being I take my legs down.

Xavier's mom arrives right as the doctor is checking, and from how the doctor reacted and how far apart my contractions are I would say things are about to get rolling.

His mom holds one of my hands, and he holds the other. The doctor asked me if I wanted an epidural but I decline, I've gone this far without one I'm not taking one now.

"One, two, three, push!" I push as hard as I can but nothing, I keep pushing and pushing, and finally after minutes of horrible pain and screaming something starts to happen.

The baby's head is out, I have to keep pushing though, I'm exhausted, but I want to hold her so I push through.

"Ahhh!" I scream, squeezing my suppers hands tight as I do the last and final push.

That's when I hear it, her first cry.

They place her on my chest, still messy but I couldn't careless, she was beautiful. My beautiful baby girl.

February 13, 2020
Born at 40 weeks
Weighing in at 6.5 lbs
18 inches long
Born 2:30 a.m.

Our baby girl, Laura Kate Rae.

Hey guys!!!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's crazy how far this book has gone and how much I've grown as a writing through this process. The book is coming to a close soon but will undergo major editing, most parts will be completely rewritten. So keep reading! Love y'all! Hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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