Chapter Eight

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I stand there frozen, not sure what to do. I was so positive that I wasn't, that it was impossible. Now, here I stand with the two pink lines staring back at me.

My eyes start to swell with tears an I frantically try to blink them away. Deep breaths Ella, deep breaths. I can't move, it's physically impossible for me to move, it's kinda like an out of body experience. I feel like I'm watching myself react from above.

Xavier hasn't moved, he's just staring at me. I'm not sure what he's thinking about, an it utterly terrifies me. What if he's thinking about ways to get away from me? Is he disgusted by me now? No, this is Xavier we are talking about, he would never leave me. But, the mental battle continues and I can't stop the heavy flow of tears this time.

He takes a step towards me, dropping the test, he scoops me up in his arms an sings a sweet off tune song in my ear. He's trying, he's really trying to make me feel better. We stand like that for what feels like ages, Xavier rubbing circles on the small of my back.

"Xavier," I croak out, " our we going to be ok?" I'm barely able to finish my sentence before Xavier stumbles back, his face full of confusion an shock. I start to tremble, not sure how he's going to react. Normally he would laugh a little telling me we are fine, but today is different, this is a different situation and I have no Idea how he's going to respond to it.

"El, sweet El, I'm not going to say we are okay, this is a big deal. But I'm going to say that we will get it figured out. It's different now baby girl. If you decide you don't want the baby, I'll support that, if you decide you do, I'll try my best. Our decisions don't just effect us now baby girl." I nod, taking in his words. My eyes have once more filled with tears, "Our decisions doesn't just effect us now baby girl," He's one hundred percent right, an it's terrifying. One split second and my life has been turned completely around. It went from me planning my trip with friends to me deciding if I want to keep a baby.

I can't focus, I can't think, my mind is running at a thousand miles a minute and nothing is making sense. Deep breaths El, deep breaths, but what are they going to do?!? Are they really going to solve all my fucking issues!?! Ok El, it's ok.

I take a step back, back towards the door, "I need a walk, I can't process things right now," my body shakes as I take another step towards the door, I see him nod an he starts to pick our stuff up. I pretty much run out the front door, not wanting to make eye contact or conversation with anyone.

I can't believe that it's true, I'm pregnant. I have a baby growing inside me. It went from Xavier and Ella, to Xavier, Ella, and baby! But, would I actually be able to care for this baby, would I be able to provide what it needs, would I be able to love it and spend time with it? I don't know, I just don't know.

I shake my half dried hair out, trying to clear the jumbled thoughts up. Could I keep this baby? Could I get an abortion? Would I get it adopted out? I don't know if I could get an abortion, specially with how far along I em. I just, I could provide for this baby, an for me just to get rid of it would make me feel guilty, but I would also feel guilty if I couldn't take care of it the way I thought I could. An adoption? I don't know, I would have to look into it all more.

I can't make decisions like this quick, I take another deep breath, rubbing my temples as I turn around to start heading back to the house.

Once I reach the house I notice the cars being packed. So I walk in to see everyone standing around arguing. "Hey!! What the hell is going on!?" Everyone looks up, as I give them the eyebrow. They all start talking at once and as I scan the crowd I realize Xavier is no where to be seen. "Ok, first one at a time, second where is my boyfriend?" Jay steps forward, taking a deep breath she dives into the argument.

Apparently they were all bringing their stuff down stairs when they say me run out the door. They weren't sure what happened, they thought me an Xavier got in a fight so they gave me space. But, Xavier came down stairs shortly after with Both of our stuff , so they asked what happened and all he said is that I needed a breather. Then they started arguing about what actually happened.

I just stare at them, kinda confused and kinda worried. Is Xavier ok? What if they find out? Ok El, you really need to stop with the what if's.  I shrug at them telling them he's right an that I'm going to find him. I run up stairs before they can try to drag me into there argument again. I find him sitting on our bed, head hung low in his hands. I sit down next to him, placing me head on his shoulder.

"Love, we are going to figure this out, ok? We are going to be ok, I'll go into crazy planner mode, I'll make it work." He looks up, giving me a small smile before falling back on the bed. I fall with him, an curl close in his side.

"I know sweetheart, I know." I put my head up on his chest as he wraps his arms around my waist. My hand rubs circles on his stomach as we just stare up at the ceiling. We would probably be able to do that for hours, if it wasn't for the fact that we had to go home.

We pulled each other up, I give him a hug an kiss and then I proceed to Push everyone into my jeep. Addie calls shot gun this time which leaves both Jake and Jay sulking in the background. I chuckle slightly at the back two as we pull out of the drive way. The music starts to drift through the speakers, hugging you floods my ears as we make it down the freeway.

Hey guys! Sorry for the shortish chapter I wasn't really sure where to go with it😅 but, comment down below what you would do in her situation, don't forget to vote!!

Love, MadisonMarie

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