Chapter Seven

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I'm sitting at the brunch table as my friends sing me happy birthday, all I can really think about though is that cheese cake that's waiting for me. As the song ends it takes me seconds to devour the cake, leaving the plate spotless. Everyone laughs an we joke about our trip, sad that it's ending so soon. We talk about our beach days, and our midnight dinners, laughing at when Matt got kicked out of a diner (He was being too nice with the waitress).

As our laughter dies out, Adrian, speaks up, "So, because we all know Ella isn't much of a partier, we should all have a movie night!!" I smile at the idea, "Ella and Xavier can go get snacks and the rest of us can go get the movies!!" He starts to dig through his pockets and pulls out a wad of fifties, he then tells everyone to meet him out there as he struts to the counter.

I giggle slightly as me an Xavier skip to my jeep, hand in hand, singing random lyrics. We huffed as we jumped up into my car, laughing when Xavier tries to take his head off with the roof. I'm pulling out of my parking spot when I see Adrian sprinting out of the diner yelling at them to start the car. I laugh slightly an shake my head, kinda disappointed in Adrian, but nonetheless I kept driving.

We pulled up to a rite aid an Xavier is already dashing across the parking lot to the bathrooms, I laugh as I see him book it across the store. I start to wander around for snacks, but I stumble into the pharmacy area. I don't even realize I'm look at pregnancy test till my phone dings, "this might take a little", poor Xavier.

I decide I might as well, just to prove my head that I'm not pregnant. I fidget with my ring as I stand in line, hoping to hurry this up. My eyes start to water, my chest feels like it's going to burst as I take shaky step up to the register. I blink the tears away as I shuffle around in my bag for my money, I pull out a crumbled fifty. I attempt to smooth it out to hand it to the women, she gives me a strained smile as she gives me the thirty back. I quickly shove the test as far down in my bag as possible, hoping Xavier doesn't notice it.

I'm holding two bags of party size chips and a liter of coke when Xavier finally walks out of the bathroom. He gives me a little cheeky smile and I roll my eyes as he places a kiss on my temple. "Sorry sweetheart, I think I died in there," he chuckles slightly as he takes everything out of my hands, I roll my eyes at him, a smile is turning the corners of my mouth.

"Ok mister, whatever you say," I giggle slightly as I look for Jay's favorite candy. It takes us about thirty minutes to get everything and luckily by the time we get up to the register someone else is on duty. I let out a sigh of relief as I let everything spill out of my hands, giving the cashier a sheepish smile. When they finish ringing up our millions of items we load back into my car, screaming the words to every song in the radio as the salty air runs through my hair.

We are screaming the lyrics to, "she's country," by Jason Aldean when we pull up to the house. Xavier's tiny car is back but all the lights are out, the house is dead silent and it starts to freak me out. I shake slightly as I stumble out from my jeep, catching myself with the mirror. Xavier grabs my hand and gives me a small smile as he leads me to the back yard. A smile spreads across my face, the back yard has been transformed into an outdoor theater. The pillows and blankets are spread across multiple air mattresses, and the seven foot fence has turned into a projector screen.

"SURPRISE!!!" I let out a yelp as I whip around trying to see who thought it would be funny to scare the crap out of me. I laugh slightly as I see my friends huge grins and worried eyes, they were scared I wouldn't like it, that's crazy. I give them all huge hugs an continue to say thank you as I go down the line. They laugh at me as I wipe my little tears away.

I notice them all in pajamas an tell them I'll be back, I race up the stairs throwing my bag in my suitcase I snatch up some sweatpants and a tank top. I turn to walk out the door an bump into a chest, I scoff an look up an meet eyes with my love. I smile an roll my eyes an try to side step him, he copy's me as I try to get past, not letting me go.

"What bout my kiss!?" He whines as he sticks his bottom lip out. I chuckle slightly an give him a peck, which then turns into a make out session, then leads to the bed. He's fumbling with my tank top when we hear Adrain yelling at us.

"Y'all stop gettin all touchy up there!! I know she's eighteen now but damn keep it in your pants dude!!" We can't hold the laughter back as we pull apart. I hold my stomach as tears slide down my cheeks, laughing at Adrain's very true statement.

"Ya, come on Xavier, I know I'm sexy but damn!! Keep it in your pants!" He rubs the back of his neck, as the blush spreads across his cheeks. I giggle slightly giving him one more peck before skipping down stairs.

"What's first?!?" I ask as I strut out the back door. Addie flashes me the case of ted an I eagerly jump on the air mattress, deciding I don't want to wait for Xavier to start the movie.


This morning has been chaotic, defiantly chaotic. A lot of everyone running around grabbing their things, me trying to throw up at even the smell of food, an Matt not being home. At the moment I'm in the shower, trying to rid myself of the disgusting feeling of nausea. I yell at Xavier to grab my body wash as I try to get the shampoo out of my eyes.

I hear him yell okay back an I continue to struggle with my eyes. Finally once the soap is gone I see Xavier standing out side the shower, his hand extended with my body wash, I say thank you as I grab it. He doesn't move after I take the soap an I glance over at what he's staring at so intently, I freeze, in his other hand he's holding the pregnancy test I bought yesterday.

I brace myself for him to yell, or get mad I didn't tell him. Or for him to just leave honestly. But, he stays, he doesn't yell or get mad, instead he places the test on the counter and gives me a small smile; he says I should take it before we leave, specially if it's bothering me.

I finish up in the shower shortly after that, pulling on some sweats an a hoodie. I shakily grab the box an lock the bathroom door. I read the instructions over an follow then step by step. I sit on the counter waiting the five minutes for the results. When my timer goes off I don't even want to look over at the tests.

I peek my head outside the door to see Xavier, his head between his legs as he runs his hands through his hair. "Xavier? Love? Would you um.. come in here?" He looks up an in the past fifteen minutes he looks like he's aged twenty years. He nods an shuffles into the bathroom.

"Love, will you um check, what it erm says?" He looks stressed, I want to hold him, an tell him we will be ok, but honestly I feel like I'm about to collapse I'm so shaky.

"Ya, I will sweetheart," he takes my hand and gives it a squeeze as he steps up to the counter. I close my eyes, terrified of the answer. I feel his hand slip away from mine an I can't help but open my eyes to see his reaction.

"El, Oh lord."

Do you guys hate me yet?? Comment down below what you think the test says and how you think Ella will react.

Love, Madison Marie

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