Chapter Thirty Three

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On this Monday morning I have requested a meeting with my counselor and teachers, so here I am at six o'clock in the morning.

I wrap my coat around myself as I slip up the front steps of the school, my breath leaving little clouds all around me. When I swing the front door of the building open I'm instantly engulfed in warmth.

My steps echo through the empty building as I make my way to the councilor office, my teachers are already there.

I smile sheepishly as I take a seat. "Well Ella, you said you'd like to talk about after you have your baby, what was it you wanted to talk about?" My councilor asks as I set my bag down.

"I wanted to discuss doing most my assignments online after I have my baby." I don't really get a response out of them they kinda just sit there.

"Ella, I thought that was the plan?" My councilor says, I raise an eyebrow. I don't remember discussing the school process after I had the baby.

"Was it? I don't remember ever coming in and discussing it." They all look at each other, as if they are trying to figure out who started that.

"I kinda figured that was the plan all along, I mean you did take classes that would be pretty easy to do from home, besides maybe yearbook." I nod my head.

"I'm sure we can figure something out, and if we must, I don't have an issue with you bringing the baby to class sometimes, as long as you get your work done it shouldn't be an issue." A huge grin makes its way across my face at that response. I could bring Laura here? I think that would be great, not only would I be able to build her immune system, but a good way to get her used to people.

"Oh that would be amazing, I would have to talk to Xavier about this but yes I think that should work." Every one nods, practically sealing the deal.

"So mostly online school, and coming in for year book when necessary? Asks my counselor, I say a quick yes, "And you still get to walk across the stage at graduation." My grin grows and I hug them all, thanking them for being so flexible with everything.

By the time the meeting ends, students have started to crowd the halls. I quickly make my exit and book it to the yearbook room.

As I'm setting my editing area up I hear laughter behind me, I peak over my shoulder to see some younger girls pointing and whispering. When they make eye contact one of them drops it and the others laugh louder.

I raise a brow at them, clearly not amused with their humor. "You have something to say?" I ask, two of the girls zip their lips but one decides to try to be macho.

"Ya, what's up whale?!" I smirk and roll my eyes slightly.

"That was sad, you pretty much just offended every pregnant lady out there, including I'm guessing your mom. With a kid like you I bet she barely as time to be with her kids, to busy making her rounds." The girls face turns pale, the color completely washed away.

"Like you should say shit, you're a fucking high schooler look at you!" I laugh.

"Atleast I know what a stable relationship is." I turn around and get back to work. But, I can still hear the chatter of the girls behind me. I roll my eyes again, but this time at myself.

"I should have kept my mouth shut." I mumble to myself disappointed with how I handled that situation. "I should be the bigger person," I mumble once more. So I take a deep breath and I turn back around. The girl raises an annoyed brow at me.

"I'm sorry, that was out of line, I shouldn't have brought personal life into that." The girl is clearly shocked, she just stares at me for a moment.

"I uh, I'm sorry I was being a bitch, it was very childish of me." I thank her for the apology and turn back around.

"Can you believe her? Thinking a fucking apology would have done shit, she's still a dumb bitch honestly." I hear her scoff and I honestly just put my head down.

I tried.

After school I drive to work, not even getting to stop at home today. I make it to the office in record time and have time to spare. I mess around on my phone a little before deciding I should go clock in.

When I walk in Bruce stops me. "Ella! I wanted to talk to you about your maternity leave." I nod following him as he escorts me to his office.

"So I know the days are flying by, so I wanted to know when you wanted to take leave, like do you want to work till you are in the hospital, like what's the plan?" I take a second to think about it, putting everything into perspective I really do need to work till I can't.

"I would like to work till I'm in the hospital, I think it will benefit me and my future family most." Bruce nods as he writes it down.

"Ok well you know my number so text me as soon as you go into labor letting me know you are on leave officially, got it?" I do a fake salute as I stand up. We chuckle slightly before going our separate ways for work.

I use the organization as a meditation, a way to clear my mind and get ready for the next day.

It's nice having my own time to myself, so I take my time, processing the day, evaluating what I want to do next, and what I want with tomorrow.

Bruce was right, the days are flying by.

Hey guys! Three chapters in one day!
I'm on a roll! Let me know how everyone is feeling with the book I love hearing your opinions and it helps me better my writing and figure out what I want to do with editing! So keep those comments coming! As always I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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