Chapter Sixteen

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When I walked through that door I was expecting his mom to be sitting their stoned face about to rip our heads off, but instead I was met by a pleasant smile and her and Xavier's chatter about lacrosse.

I take a seat next to Xavier and watch as she leans back in her chair. She looks as if she's assessing the situation, she lets a deep breath out before she continues.

"Ok you two, I promise I won't scream or yell, I want to hear your part of the story and then I'll throw things in, ok?" We nod before looking at eachother making the silent agreement that I should explain it.

"Well, I just want to make it clear that we always, 100% of the time used a condom, and I was on birth control long before we started having sex." She nods taking the info in, I glance over at Xavier, he looks kinda ghostly, I set my hand on his knee rubbing circles with my thumb as I continue.

"Shortly after school got out, I found out that my birth control brand was having a recall of a certain batch, and I couldn't find my sheet of paper that had that info, so I'm pretty sure I had the bad batch, and I guess the condom broke, we aren't really sure what happened. But we didn't know I was pregnant till the last day of the beach trip," she raises a brow slightly," the night before we were at the store getting snacks for a movie night and well Xavier was in the bathroom I bought a pregnancy test because I had been feeling weird, well Xavier found it the next day well I was in the shower and told me if it really was bothering me to take it." I look up at Xavier giving him a small encouraging smile and a little squeeze on his thigh before he started talking.

"We didn't talk much about it after that, I was kinda in shock and El was just doing her thing planning things accordingly. When she came and spent the night with us for a few days we talked about what we wanted to do. She explained to me she wanted to keep the baby, and I said I support her in any of her decisions." He takes a deep breath before continuing," she also talked to me about setting up a ultra sound appointment, what we want to do with school, and setting up a savings account."

"We made appointments with our guidance counselor and a ultra sound appointment that day, and a few days later we set up the savings account. We had also both agreed we needed a second better paying job, specially well we can both work before she needs to take leave, we want to bring in as much money as possible into the savings account before the baby is born." His mom nods making a almost proud face as Xavier continues on,"we decided that our highest paying jobs will 100% go to the savings account, after paying car bills and gas we each get fifty a month from our part time job and the rest goes to the savings account." He makes a sweeping gesture with his hand before saying "that's it."

She nods at us before checking the clock, "what time is your appointment?" I check the clock realizing we have a little less then forty minutes to get to the hospital.

"Jesus! We have forty minutes we really need to get going." She nods giving us both hugs, she tells us to be safe and that this conversation isn't over before walking us to the door.

Xavier insist on driving so I wave as we back out of his neighborhood. We sit in comfortable silence, the ride to the hospital being full of inner thought.

When we arrive, I'm nervous and jittery, as soon as we got out of the car I latch onto Xavier's hand. We walk in, greeted by a warm smile and handed our paper work. He smiles at me as we answer the questions. Our name is called and a younger women, probably in her early thirties walks out.

I watch as her eyes trail down to our hands, noticing no ring she gives us a tight smile as she motioned us forward. I give Xavier's hand a squeeze before continuing forward, already having unease settle in my stomach.

We walk in well she is looking over my chart, and the disgust is plain on her face, I try to ignore it as I take a seat on the bed, Xavier still holding my hand.

She doesn't try to hide her distaste as she goes on about different options, like abortion, adoption, all those sorts.
I'm not really sure what to say, I'm kinda stunned to be honest. We came here for an ultrasound not to be told that we should abort our baby.

I hadn't realized I'd been squeezing his hand till Xavier's placed his other hand on my leg, he then continued to stand, his face masked by anger.

"Look, we came here to get an ultrasound, see if our baby is happy and healthy, and see what we can do to provide El with good proper medical care to make sure this baby is happy and healthy, we are going to provide this baby with the best life we can give-" she cuts him off, she stood up so abruptly that her chair hit the wall.

"And I'm saying, what you can provide isn't good enough." She spins on her heal as she marches out the door. Xavier falls back on to his chair, his head in his hands. I rub small circles on his back as I think things threw.

"Come on love, lets go talk to the front desk." He raises an eyebrow before taking my out stretched hand. As we make our way to the front we can hear a heated conversation going on, between you guess it, the doctor and the lady at the front desk.

I ignore the crazed doctor, turning to the lady at the front. "Hi, I would like to ask for another doctor if possible." I give her a small smile and she nods, her smile is genuine as she lets us know another doctor is available and they are actually in the building at the moment. She even threw out there that she doesn't blame me before giving the other doctor an eye roll. We laugh and thank her as we head to some chairs in the waiting room.

Hey guys! Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far, I know I know I keep leaving you guys on cliff hangers, but it's more fun that way :)

Hope y'all have been enjoying the story, and have a great day!

Love, madisonmarie

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