Chapter Thirty Eight

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They took her away to clean her and make sure she's healthy. I felt a longing to hold her once more.

I look up at Xavier his smile is huge as he looks at me. "That's our baby. We did that love." He wipes my hair away from my sticky forehead. A thin layer of sweat covering my body.

The doctor lets me know she's going to start sewing so if I need the epidural just let her know. I wasn't expecting it to hurt so bad, but I sat there and took it. Xavier gave me his hand, I wrapped mine around it tightly as I watched our daughter get her first bath.

Our baby girl, Laura.

"So what's her name?" One of the nurses ask. I smile looking up at Xavier.

"Laura Kate Rae, her middle name is after her grandma." We then talk about different names through out the hospital, there are some really good ones and some really bad ones.

"Here's your baby! She checks out so you should be able to leave within the next twenty four hours." I thank her, with that they wheel me off to the "holding rooms" for pregnant women. The rooms where tiny but we weren't staying long.

I held Laura against my bare chest, she put her little hand against it. I smiled, I couldn't be happier with our baby. I look up at Xavier tears in my eyes, he smiles and gives me a kiss.

"May I?" He asks, reaching for his daughter.

I hand her to him and the second he's got her, it's like a switch went off. There stands Xavier, tears rolling down his face but with huge smile.

"It's our baby." He keeps saying, he looks up at me, "We did it. I'm so glad we did it." He gives her a kiss on the forehead, and takes a seat in the chair next to my bed, holding her close to him.

"I'm so proud of you two." Kathy says, tears falling as she says so. She gives us hugs and kisses her granddaughter. I'm going to leave you two alone, I'll go ask when you guys can leave. I'll follow you back to the house and help set things up, okay," We nod thanking her as she leaves.

"We did it Xavier, we really did it." I scoot over for him to lay up here with me. We hold our daughter, talking about all the things we have planned for the next couple of months. I'll be off for the first couple of months and I'll be doing online school mostly well Xavier still goes to school.

"Knock knock, uh the doctor said you two are free to leave whenever, just to let your nurse know first." We thank her again. We let her hold Laura as Xavier helps me make the excruciating trip to the bathroom.

Every time you use the bathroom you have to squirt yourself with water, because you can't wipe. It is also not pain free at first, I'll tell you that. I take a quick rinse off and then Xavier hands me the clothes I came here in.

As we are walking out we let our nurse know and she wishes us a goodbye.

I sit in the back with the baby as Xavier drives us home, she's a little one the smaller side but she's perfect. I take a picture of her in the car seat and send it to my bosses.

They respond back instantly saying she's precious and that they are glad she's healthy.

Once back at the house, I have Xavier go in first and take Indie out and feed her. Kathy helps me by bringing all the bags inside back to our rooms.

I sit with Laura on the couch, waiting for Indie to come back. Xavier holds her as he walks into the living room.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod. He walks up to Laura with Indie still in his arms, she sniffs Laura, curious about this new thing in our home.

"Indie, it's your baby sister!" She looks confused, tilting her head to the side. We all laugh at our puppy.

"You're a good girl, Xavier can you set her down?" He nods putting her down.

She's surprisingly calm, I slowly move to the floor, baby still in hand. She sniffs her once more before jumping down to play mode.

Xavier grabs her rope and plays with her for a little well Kathy and I make sure the baby area is set up, we set the play pin up in our room, so she can sleep there for the time being.

"I'm so happy Kathy, this is a dream." She smiles giving me a hug.

"I'm glad you are excited, it'll be very fun for you two, I don't see you two making it not fun." She gives me a hug says she has to go but she's glad she at least got to see her, she kisses her goodbye and wishes her son farewell.

When she leaves Indie is already asleep again, Xavier is laying on the couch and I decide to join him.

I lay my head on his chest, my body between his legs, and Laura laying on my chest. Xavier snaps a picture and I can hear him typing on his phone.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask curious with his actions.

"Showing my beautiful girls off to my Instagram." I smile and he pulls me closer.

This day feels like a dream I think, as I lay my head back rubbing Laura's back.

We're finally a family.

Hey guys'!! This chapter was super cute too write! The baby is home!! Let me know how you're feeling about the book, hope everyone is happy and healthy!!

Love, MadisonMarie

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