Chapter Thirteen

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It's been a long work day, filled with almost everything imaginable from gothic chicks working on their art to moms holding new babies. I honestly have a great job, being a barista at a small local coffee shop is practically any teens dream job. I get tipped nicely and my pay is pretty decent for a coffee shop, and it's just all around a nice place to work.

But, since my work day is over here I sit, my music barely above a whisper as I drive back to Xavier's house through the back roads. I smile as I pass a old couple in their garden, a little Collie following at their heels. I slow down as I come to this little yellow house, a little girl sits behind a table in the front, a big sign says, "Daisy's lemonade!" I smile and ask for a cup, she hands me one and says, "that will be two dollars please!" I give her a five smile and say keep the change. She giggles slightly as I start to drive off.

I hum a few songs the rest the way to Xavier's, the new journal my boss gave me on my mind. I'm trying to decide what I want to do with it, should I use it like I use my other ones? Should I start a gratitude journal? The possibilities are endless, and they spin around my head as I pull into the drive way.

I walk into the house and collapse on the couch, suddenly exhaustion washing over me like a wave. I hear someone running down the stairs before I'm crushed by my lovely boyfriend.

"Ahhhh!! I missed you!!" I mumble into the couch cushions in response. He gets up, a huge smile on his face as he does a little dance around the living room, singing about how I'm home. I giggle slightly as he pulls me up and spins me around. We dance to our own song for a little, till my stomach starts to grumble from my lack of food.

We laugh as I drag him to the kitchen, determined to find myself some pop tarts.

"So, how was work?" I glance up as i munch on my pop tart.

"It was good" I say with a mouth full of strawberry pastry. He goes over to the google home starting my favorite station as he starts to sing my favorite song. I giggle as he pulls me to him, spinning me around his kitchen as we sing and dance to our silly songs.

I lay my head my head on his chest, finding comfort in his steady heartbeat.

"Ya know love, we are going to be alright." He leans down, kissing the top of my head and says I know. I look up at him, his brown eyes looking back at me and I smile. This is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and I wouldn't want to be stuck in this situation with anyone else.

He twirls me around laughing at the silly faces I make at him.  "Let's bake cookies and watch friends." He looks back at me and flashes me his signature smile.

"Already on it sweetheart," I laugh as he blows me a kiss, rolling my eyes slightly I blow him a kiss back as I go to get the mixing bowl out and pre heat the oven. As we dance around the kitchen mixing our ingredients my mind wanders back to the journal. How will I fill the journal.

I nearly jump when Xavier wraps his arms around my stomach, rubbing it as he does so. He smiles at me as I continue to fold the chocolate chips in.

"You know, maybe you should start writing down things about your pregnancy, my mom always told me it was a good idea, it's what she did." My eyebrows scrunch together as I think about the idea.

"It's not such a bad idea, actually my boss today gave me a new journal and I was kinda wondering what I should do with it." He scoops a little cookie dough on his finger, stuffing it into his mouth before saying, "perfect!" I laugh as I move the bowl over to the baking sheet.

"Xavier! Stop eating the cookie dough!" I rip the bowl away from the counter before he can scoop another spoonful into his mouth. I had barely filled half the baking sheet and the cookie dough was disappearing faster then I could count. It's like I would glance away and half the thing was gone.

"Buttttt it taste so goooooood!" He drops his bottom lip slightly revealing his pouty face. I just roll my eyes before pushing him away with my feet.

"But I need to actually make cookies you bozo!" He laughs at me before taking another spoonful and walking off to the living room, turning on our newest friends episode. I finally put the cookies in the oven and set a timer before joking Xavier on his couch to watch friends for the zillionth time.

The timer rings right when phoebe wattles through Monica's door, hugely pregnant with the triplets. Xavier chuckles slightly as I roll my eyes, he poked my stomach as I got up to get the cookies.

"You know you do eat wayyyyy more then me! That could be you in a few years, mister dad bod!!" I hear his gasp from the kitchen laughing as he goes on a huge rant about his gym time.

"I'm kidding love, you look amazing." I give him a kiss on the forehead as I set a plate of cookies and some milk on the coffee table. Making sure to claim atleast one before Xavier.

He pulls me close so I'm laying on his chest. I smile as I start to drift off to the sound of his heartbeat and Monica and Rachel bickering in the background.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you enjoy it tho! I really want to get the characters talking more making sure that you really get to know them as people and as a couple as they figure out their ups and downs.

Hope those of you from the USA had an amazing thanksgiving and those else where had an amazing week last week, hope you guys smile lots!

Love- MadisonMarie

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