Chapter Two

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Sadly I had to leave that night, but the next day we were out an about with Adrian. All he would talk about is how amazing his date went. He had taken her out to Olive Garden because she went on a huge rant one time about how amazing their bread sticks are. I was so proud of him and his listening skills I had to buy him a cookie. But Xavier, kept trying to figure out who this girl was, I mean I was dying to know too, trust me, but Xavier was persistent.

Any time Adrian's phone went off you would see Xavier try to sneakily peer over his shoulder. I giggled slightly at this, but was impressed buy his perseverance. We road around town, stopping for food, and a movie. It was around eleven when I decided I wanted to go home, so I dropped them off and headed home.

Once I got home I immediately rushed to the kitchen, I ripped open the cabinet doors throwing stuff around trying to find the ingredients. I scrounged up the ingredients for cookie dough, my mouth practically watering at the thought of it. I spent about five minutes whisking the master piece to perfection.

I then went on my marry way up the stairs into my bedroom. I smile as I plop on the cloud of a bed I own and I flip myself over so I'm staring up at the ceiling. Nothing to exciting about a white ceiling, but I find ways to entertain myself, I make the characters up out of the texturing, imagining them having a sword fight like at the end of hook.

I giggle slightly at the thought of deformed stick men being pirates. Stick men pirates would defiantly if they had a hook, they would fall over from the weight!

I rolled my eyes at myself as I reach for my phone, I open up the YouTube app and start to scroll through my notifications. I let out a sigh from the lack of eye catching content being created and decided to try my luck with the tending section. As I scroll through something does catch my eye, as I do a double take I click on the video, terrified about what they would say. As the video continued on I scramble for my pills, trying to find the box they came in.

I turn my room and bathroom upside down looking for the box, but come up short. My bottom lip starts to quiver and my eyes swell up with tears. I wipe my eyes to keep the tears from coming, trying to see what numbers I'm dialing as I search for his contact through my phone.

One I find it, I hold my breath when I hit the call bottom. How will he react? What if..? No, no I'm fine, everything is fine. On the third ring he answers with a groggy hello, normally I would comment on his ability to go to sleep so early, but right now is different.

"Love, um... my birth control, the company.." I'm not really sure how to put it, how do I tell him it's a possibility that my pills are useless. I take a deep breath, and try again, "Xavier, the company that um produces my um birth control, they just released," I can't continue, I burst into tears. I hear him on the other end completely and underly confused as I try to explain that the pills could be useless, and how I could be pregnant. I keep going on blubbering about not wanting to be pregnant, that I had barely lived my life when he told me to stop.

I was silent for a minute trying to give him time to think as I pull myself together. He takes a deep breath and I can just see him running his hands through his hair, he has a habit of doing that when he is trying to process difficult information. I'm about to say something, another worry of mine I guess, when he speaks up.

"I used a condom, we are fine, even if the pills don't erm, work, we still used a condom and it's highly unlikely that you got the bad batch baby, everything is going to be ok, you aren't pregnant." I know he used a condom, I know I know, but the possibility is still there and higher even. I try to just ignore my worrying and say ok, we talk a little more, mostly him telling me I'm okay. A little while later I hear soft snores on the other end, so I wish him a good sleep and hang up. I try to go to sleep myself but all I can do is worry.

I can't even to begin to think about how my parents would react, or his even, if I was pregnant. But Xavier is right, we used a condom and the chance that I got the bad batch is a one in a million. I'm fine, completely and underly fine.


Xavier's POV

When I finally get in my house I say hi to my dad. We sit around talking about our day, and we talk about some of the lacrosse plays we were thinking about bringing up to the coach. He then declared it was time for him to sleep, and he went up stairs. I chuckled slightly but waved it off.

I called up Adrian and asked if he wanted to play COD, sadly he couldn't because he was out with his girl. I did that thing girls do when they want to know something, it goes kinda like this, "OoOooOoooOOooooOoooOoooooO do tellllllll?!?" Adrian commented on me being such a bitch, but I counter back with a, just for you ;), we then exchange goodbyes and hang up to go do our own things.

I go play COD, Adrian probably had to go get himself a packet of condoms. I roll my eyes at the thought, laughing slightly at my best friends sad tactics with girls.

For example, this one time me and him went I think to like the mall, and we were in line getting new shoes when this girl comes up to him and comments on his amazing hair, her words not mine. Adrian's faces turns pink and he stutters out a thank you. This girl giggles slightly, and is practically begging him to ask for her number, but this boy is to nervous or thick headed to under stand that. He laughs nervously at the girl and says, "well, see you around," and then turns around. I couldn't keep my laughter in and I start to wheeze I'm laughing so hard. Adrian of course didn't think that was very funny and punched me. I still bring this up to this day when ever a girl is around that I no he has a thing for, it's to good to let go.

After probably about an hour of on going screen time I decide if I want to eat then workout, or workout and eat. After a good five minutes of mental debating I decide on workout and then eat. Probably  not my best choice but oh well. I start out with doing two sets of fifty push-ups and go from their. My chest by the end feels like it's about to burst, my abs burn, and my legs ache. When I try to stand I wobble and my abs burn more and more. I decide I don't have the strength to make food and drag myself upstairs to my bed.

I collapse down on bed and my eyes flutter shut, I feel like I've barely been asleep when I get a call at about three a.m. I'm about to get all pissed off when I see my beautiful girlfriends face appear on the screen. A smile makes it way to my face as I answer. "Hi baby, what's up?" I hear her take a deep breath and I know something's wrong. Normally she would comment on my voice or make a joke about me being asleep even if it's like three o'clock in the morning. So when she doesn't make a joke and instead tries to have words tumble out of her mouth.

It's something about her birth control, that's all I've got. My breath hitches as I realize what she's trying to tell me, no, it's ok we are ok. Her birth control is fine, it's like a one in a million chance she could have gotten it. It's nearly impossible. That's what I keep repeating to myself, so when she breaks into tears and I'm not really sure what to do, it's the first thing that tumbles out of my mouth.

I keep telling her everything is okay and that she isn't pregnant, she keeps repeating herself, her worries, all I want to do is hold her tight and tell her everything is ok. We go on like this for a little bit, before our worries consume us, we are both quiet for a while, lost in thought or in a daze.

All I can think about is the what if's, it's a horrible scary thought but what if she is pregnant. What will I do? I will stay with her of course I couldn't even imagine leaving her. But what will our parents do? Kick us out? Disown us? Maybe she could get a... no no, she wouldn't, I know she wouldn't. She would feel to guilty, it would break her. As I think about this is don't realize I'm falling asleep, I slowly drift into darkness though, the worries never leaving.

Hi guys!!! I hope y'all enjoy where the stories going! If you have any feedback or ideas feel free to just comment or message me!

Love, MadisonMarie

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