Chapter Thirty Five

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We've finally settled into our home, getting used to our new commutes, and our new neighbors. It's really amazing how much we love the place, it's beautiful.

It's been a few weeks since we've been back to Xavier's parents, but that's about to change! It's Christmas Eve, and we are going to be spending the night over there for Christmas morning.

If I'm telling the truth I've been hiding Xavier's present for months. I'm hoping he'll like it as much as I think he will.

At the moment we are packing our over night bag and making sure everything is locked and turned off. Then we wish our house goodbye as we get into my car and start the drive to his parents.

His family always has a big Christmas Eve dinner, it's one of my favorite things about the holidays with his family, the cooking. I don't think there is a bad cook in the family. As soon as we walk in the door I can smell the honey glazed ham and my mouth begins to water.

"Honey! I'm home!" Xavier yells as he puts the presents down.

His mom comes charging out of the kitchen, quickly wrapping her arms around him.

"How's the house been?!? Are the neighbors treating you ok?!? How's Work?! School?! What's going on?!?" Xavier and I laugh at her craziness.

"The house has been amazing and our neighbors are better than expected." I say as I place the presents under their tree.

"That's great! I'm glad to hear that! So are you guys hungry?!?" I practically jump up and down at the thought of all the food they made. We all dig in talking about the last couple weeks. Kathy even brings up a baby shower. She says she's been thinking about it and wants to put one on for me if I'm ok with it.

"Oh I love the idea! That would be amazing!" And so we continue to talk about he details.

"So how about we have it at your house Ella, so everything is already there." I nod as I stuff my face with mashed potatoes and ham.

After dinner we put on home alone and change into our matching Christmas pajamas that Kathy insisted on. It was nice being around everyone, we haven't seen them in a while and it's felt kind of empty.

After the movie is over half of us are asleep, everyone is woken up and we wish each other goodnight heading our separate ways to sleep.

The next morning I'm so jumpy with excitement, I can't wait for Xavier to open his gift, he'll be so excited!

Kathy had gotten up early to make crepes! I was so excited when I got up, strawberry crepes were my absolute favorite, the custard in the middle topped with strawberry was my go to.

We ate in silence and then took a family photo, then everyone was given all their presents.

"We will open one at a time, got it?" We nod as we are handed out presents. First we open the ones from his parents, they got him a lacrosse net so he can practice in the back yard, and they got me a new lap top so I can write and do online school.

I leaped up after I saw the box thanking them over and over. It was the newest MacBook, I was over the moon.

Then we open our presents from James. He got me a coffee mug that says," worlds slowest runner" and I can't help but laugh, and he also got me a new journal with the pencil pouch of been wanting. He got Xavier a pair of new practice shoes and he got him new lax gloves. It was so nice seeing Xavier's face light up like that, it made me smile.

Then our presents from Xavier, I watched his brother open his, it was a switch, something he's been wanting for a while. James jumps up thanking Xavier over and over.

I didn't have a present from him and I was kinda confused, he then handed me a small square box, and one I opened it I nearly cried.

Inside was a little collar. I dark green one with a tag, it says Indie on it.

I look around, tears streaming down my face. Xavier's grin is huge as he pulls me in for a hug. When I pull away him mom is hold a basket.

"I got her from a border collie rescue in California. Her litter was dumped there at a few hours old, but they survived. I had to get her for you." I look back at the puppy, and I walk over carefully, placing the collar around the sleepy puppy's neck.

"Oh Indie is perfect for you," I pick her up and cradle her a little," thank you love." I give her a kiss and sit back down. Xavier clearly proud with his work shows off a huge grin.

Then it's my turn, time for everyone to unwrap mine. I got Dave a new tool box since his is falling apart, it's already out there so it's just the users guide in a little bag. I got Kathy a really cute apron with her favorite foody YouTube channels cookbook. Then James got a game for his switch.

Xavier, as he opened his present, he starts to cry. "Baby, you really did have too." He comes over to me giving me a hug with indie sleeping on my lap.

"You got me a puppy you can't say anything!" He laughs slightly.

"Thank you for the pll tickets. Just thank you so much" I give him a kiss, not only are they pll tickets, but they are as close as you can get and you get to meet one of the athletes afterwards.

I was so glad you liked it, I was afraid he wasn't.

After presents we cleaned up thanking everyone. We hung out a little while longer before deciding we should head home.

With indie in the back of the car still sleeping, it was a nice easy ride home, our smiles never leaving our faces.

Hope y'all enjoyed they chapter! Two in one day!! As always Joel you're happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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