Chapter Thirty Six

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Over the past month we've spent so much time with indie, training her, socializing her too. I even take her to the coffee shop with me so people can play with her and pet her. I want her to be around all age groups and all settings. So she goes in the car often too.

At first she hated it.

"Indie! Jesus Christ! You need to sit down!" I scream as I try not to swerve off road.

The tiny puppy is clawing her way up my arm, whining every step of the way.

"Indie! Get down!" I try to shout again but it means nothing to here, it probably just sounds like gibberish.

By the end of her bloody trek up my arm she's placed herself on my shoulders were she continues to whine and whimper.

Ya, that was a fun car ride, but she's gotten better! Currently she'll just sleep in the back seat, at her worst she will just whine a little or try to move to the passengers seat.

Enough about Indie, today is the day.
My baby shower!

I'm honestly a lot more excited than I thought I was going to be. It's going to be smaller, with more friends than family.

Jay and Addie are the first people to arrive. After an attempt at small talk they help me set the food table up.

"So this is the place? The house you bought?" Asks Addie.

"Yep! It's really nice actually." She nods as she continues to look around.

Jay is staring at me as I attempt to pour some ranch into a dipping bowl. I raise a eyebrow at her and she just cracks a smile.

"Struggling there?" I laugh shrugging before putting the ranch back in the fridge.

After the foods all set up I give them a little tour. It's not Jays first time seeing the place, but she wanted the furnished tour.

I show the babies room off, but we don't have anything in there, the walls are just pained with huge waves all around the room, trying to bring the ocean is what I told Xavier.

I had posted about the room, and told everyone that was attending but no one had actually seen it in person.

"It's really beautiful, Ella" Addie says, she traces the lines of the waves a faint smile on her face.

Then we hear a knock on the door, I rush to let them in but once I'm almost there Adrian walks in.

"Why'd you even knock if you were going to walk in?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Wanted my presence to be known." He chuckles slightly giving me a hug and then Jay a kiss. He hugs Addie too, then the three of them play catch up.

Luckily when they started talking Xavier's family walks in.

"Hey Kathy! Dave, James! How are you?" I ask as I help put some of the presents in the corner.

"We are doing good, sorry it took so long someone wouldn't get out of the shower!" Kathy says rolling her eyes with a smile.

"Hey! It was cold ok!" James attempt at defending him self caused everyone to laugh and leave James mumbling to himself as he walks to the food table.

"So this wave, let's see it." Kathy says walking towards the hallway slightly. I take her into the room and she seems frozen in place.

"El, this is beautiful, wow." I feel my cheeks start to heat up slightly and I thank her.

More people start to arrive at this point so I'm pretty much glued to my living room. Not long after most the people arrive we start opening presents.

"Kathy could you hand me the presents?" She smiles before getting up. She hands me the smallest bag on the table first.

As I carefully unwrap in I can't help but to laugh, in it is a pair of baby vans with dinosaurs all over them. I thank Adrian and he just waves it off with a laugh.

The next present is heavier, so when I unwrap dairy free formula, I wasn't to surprised but definitely thankful. "Thank you auntie!" My aunt D answers with a anytime and we continue on.

Through out all the smaller presents I have gotten clothes for both genders, shoes, pacifiers, butt cream, nipple cream, and a monitor. I was even given some toys and books as well.

Then we move onto the bigger gifts. Xavier's parents gave us a stroller and a crib. Which I couldn't be happier for.
My uncle got us a car seat, and Addie got us another one. One of my family members also got us a play pen.

But, my all time favorite was the portable swing Jay got us.

"Thank you everyone, this means so much to us." And I give everyone hugs.

Did I forget to mention we got diapers? Oh ya we got a ton of diapers, like I think we got atleast three Costco packs and then we got some other ones too. It's pretty crazy, but I mean hopefully I won't have to buy some for a while.

For a while after that everyone chats, they meet Indie for the first time a lot of them at least. The boys start a game of backyard football and the women just chat about when there kids were babies or school.

It was just nice to be around so many supportive people.

As the shower starts to come to a close I begin wishing everyone goodbye, exhausted from the day.

Xavier gets home from work right as Adrian is leaving and they set up a day to practice some lacrosse in the back yard.

"Look babe! We got pretty much what ever we need! I even got a breast pump!
He laughs at my excitement before helping me carry everything in the babies room.

"Let's go shower," I say dragging him slightly towards the bathroom,"we've both had long days." He smiles at me, giving me a kiss and then leads a giggling Ella all the way to the shower.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Little baby Laura is on her way!! Hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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