Chapter Twenty Five

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The day starts slow, Xavier went to school and I'm laying around before my eight o'clock shift at the coffee shop. I pull the list of things we want to do to the house up and start to doodle ideas.

We both agreed windows will be our biggest expense, the next big expense would be paint. We want to open the lay out up a little more and get rid of the tiny doorway and expand them, we also decided we are going to change the light fixtures because they are insanely ugly.

As I'm calculating the cost of windows I realize that I'm once again running late.

I'm scrambling to get everything in my backpack, it's a complete mess but I don't think about it, instead I sprint to my car.

I walk in with ten minutes to spare. I'm quick to take over the drive through shift, making the drinks and handing them out. I was about to drift off when I heard screaming out front.

Everyone's heads spin to see what's going on, and I'm horrified to see my mother standing there.

It feels like a dream every time I see her, I want to remember the sweet beautiful women she was not so long ago, but now all I see is the crazed red eyed women standing in front of our store.

She comes busting through screaming about something that nobody understands. She points her long bony finger at me, the rage that crosses her face as she comes stomping up to me.

The first thing she does is point at my bump and say "Is it even his? I knew you'd be sleeping around. You've never been loyal not even to your own mother! You slut!" She screams and screams and I just stare.

It's clear I'm unimpressed but on the inside it feels like with every word she stabs me once more.

"Are you done?" I ask, her eye brows raise and the rage crosses her face again, she goes to slap me but I grab her hand.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on me, I could put you in jail right now for going against that restraining order I have, and I don't think your side guy would like that very much." She raises her hand again but decided it's best to drop it.

"You still are a little whore, and that thing is just going to drag you down, like you did to me." She spat at me and I just smirk.

"Honey you got it all backwards, you're the whore, and I'm not going to let anything drag me down, but for you, those bruises on your knees say otherwise." She looks like she's going to charge at me, but a customer stands up and says that he thinks it's time she leaves.

She spins on her heel as dramatic as possible and slams the door on the way out.

The tension in the cafe is thick like honey but I go back to the window to take more orders.

After my shift ends I call the police as I sit in my car, making sure to give a full run through with what Kim did in the cafe earlier today.

After I finish reporting her and I'm home, I have enough time to grab the lunch Xavier made me and kiss him goodbye as I walk back out the door.

I feel good and pumped for my night shift as I start to work on the never ending mess that is this real state office, I swear no matter how easily accessible I make everything it's still a disaster.

My shift feels like it flys by and I can't wait to get home. As soon as I walk through that door a collapse on the couch.

"Well I feel like I haven't seen you all day!" All the air that was in my body felt like it was just pushed out of me as Xavier lands on top of me.

"I- I ca-" he finally catches on and rolls off of me, giving me a sheepish smile as he looks up at me.

"So how was your day?" I laugh slightly as I stand up.

"Eventful to say the least." We both start to make our way up stairs and into the bathroom.

"Well I want to hear all about this!" I roll my eyes slightly before launching into my story about Kim. We brush our teeth and start the shower as I continue talking about my crazy experience.

We laugh at her craziness as we wash our hair and faces. It's a relaxing way to end our day.

It just gets better when we get into our pjs and curl up together, talking about all the things we want to do to our home. We go to sign papers soon so we get to start buying stuff like windows and paint. We talk about the walls we want to take down the paint colors we want to do.

Honestly we talk about anything and everything and my smile never left my face.

This is the kinda stuff I like to end my day with.

Hey guys! Chapter twenty five we are nearing the end! How are you guys feeling about the story, I'm glad that Ella is starting to stick up for herself honestly. Hope y'all are happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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